Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My Housewife Handicap
Monday, March 30, 2009
Come on Barbie, Let's Go Party!

I read an article in the paper the other day that announced Barbie, the plastic princess so adored by little girls everywhere, turned 50 this month! The writer has fun discovering different designers' takes on Barbie's abode. I set the article aside to remind myself to blog my musings on this grand event, and then it got lost under my taxes.
My very first Barbie was a blonde Skipper doll dressed in a sassy red and white cowboy outfit. She was a (Christmas?) gift from my Granny and O'pa when I was 2 or 3. I loved her so much. Until one of our Irish setters took her outside. The body was never found. Somewhere I have her flirty chevron striped sundress. Poor Skipper.
When I was 4 or 5, Mattel came out with DaytoNight Barbie. Is it wrong that I remember this commercial? Day to Night Barbie was the epitome of the 80s "It" girl to me. She got to carry a fancy white briefcase to an office job every day while wearing a suit, and at night she changed into a hot cocktail dress for a date with Ken. To a 5 year old, this seemed like the most glamorous life I could imagine. I mean, she had a briefcase, people! Several years later (okay, more than several), I still think her life is more exciting than mine, but I do have a briefcase of sorts. Technically, it's a shoulder bag I got on clearance at AC Moore, but it is really pretty and my laptop fits inside. I didn't get Day to Night Barbie for my 5th birthday, but Santa did send me the Barbie Heart Family that Christmas, after I prayed obsessively for months. That was probably the best Christmas gift I received as a child. I don't remember ever being so excited over another gift.
My sister and I were equally obsessed with Barbies. We did a count once, and we had at least 42 Barbies, Kens, Skippers, Midges, etc. They all lived in a big, hand-made dollhouse that our O'pa made when our dad's sister was young. It was basically a big, white box with cabinet-type doors on the front; but it had stairs, real carpet, and curtains. Fitting 42 Barbies and all their accessories in one dollhouse is tricky, so I did what any self-respecting sister would do. I told Alison that her dolls could occupy the
Barbie was a great way for us to bond, when we weren't screaming at each other. My mom even bought Jamie his own Ken doll in hopes that we might play with our own brother. No such luck. We took the baby that Ken came with, and told Jamie that his Ken could live in another city (his room down the hall). Every so often, we'd call down the hallway that we were packing up the Barbie car to come for a "visit" to keep him at bay.
I know some parents have problems with Barbie and fears of the issues she might spark with body image. But I'll take what I've got over stiff arms that never straighten (the 1980s Barbies all had arms bent at 90 degree angles) and the same eye shadow and lipstick day after day. I liked Barbie because she had a million cute outfits and a million fun jobs (mom, doctor, nurse, teacher, astronaut, rocker chick, safari guide, surfer....)
So, in the words of the infamous Aqua hit..."Come on, Barbie, let's go party." If you invite me to your bash at the Dream House, I'll let you wear that cute little chevron striped dress. It might have a little bit of Irish Setter drool on it though.
{Did you have any favorite Barbies?}
Friday, March 27, 2009
Count Your Blessings!
When you sit down and do that, things really come into perspective.
One of the things I really struggle with is feeling inadequate in comparison with many of my amazing friends. Friends who always look so fit and put together, friends whose homes could be featured in Better Homes & Gardens (and not in the "before" shots!), friends who spend oodles of time teaching their kids and loving it, friends whose Martha Stewart skills put me to shame!
But when I stop to truly contemplate my life, there are sooo many blessings that God has bestowed on me. Blessings I certainly do not deserve! So today, I am making a list of ten things I am grateful for right this second, right off the top of my head. I encourage you to post something as well, or leave me a comment. On Saturday or Sunday, I'll post a link to your post or I'll just include them in my post. Today is a day to be thankful!
"This is the day that the LORD has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" - Psalm 118:24
1. My sweet husband who is always willing, no matter what, to drop everything he's doing to help me!
2. My two beautiful, smart, funny little girls who love me unconditionally-->No matter what my hair looks like in the morning.
3. My mom. She has made it through the loss of two husbands, and is an amazing example of a strong, Christian woman who trusts in the LORD!
4. A house to live in. It's not always House Beautiful, but it's a roof over our heads!
5. Inspirational friends. Whether you are a new friend I've met through blogging, or an "old" friend I know in my *real life,* I am so grateful for you! Your encouragement means more than I can say!
6. T's job. He might work an awful lot and have an odd schedule, but it's a secure job and it pays the bills. Can I get an Amen?
7. TiVo...this may seem odd, but God sure made the TiVo for me. I don't always get to watch TV when my favorite shows are on, so it's a blessing to me to be able to sit and fold laundry and watch The Biggest Loser and fast-forward through commercials. Yay, God!
8. Food in the fridge/pantry. It might not always be exactly what the fam was hoping to dine on, but He provides us with sustenance. Do you think that Annie's bunny crackers are a little bit like manna?
9. Creative Outlets. Hopefully without sounding too corny, I feel like He led me to blogging, in a way. I have to get up a lot earlier in the morning to have the time to do it, but for me it's worth it to have some creative time to myself. Having my own blog, even if I'm the only one who reads it some days, makes me feel like I have somewhere to express my thoughts and feelings...sometimes the hubs just doesn't get the way a girl thinks! Plus, it's a great way to catalog all the craziness that goes on in the T household.
10. Nap time--not for me...for them. It's two hours I have every afternoon to catch up on MOPS stuff, check email, wash the dishes, run some laundry, and eat lunch without someone hanging on my leg and asking for the "BaBa" book or crackers.
So there's my list for today. Maybe it's not the deepest, most emotional list of things I am thankful for, but it's just a few of the things I feel like God has blessed me with.
{What about you?}
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thrifty Thursday: It's Chic to be Cheap! {6}
My girls are now completely outfitted (more or less) for Spring and Summer! There's a bunch more I didn't take pitcures of because frankly, I was getting tired of it, and Michaela Byrd was hanging on my leg. They still need Easter dresses (okay, not really...I could recycle some other dresses they have, but I'm fighting the urge to splurge!), Michaela needs some white Mary Janes, and Natalie could use another pair of sandals since that's all she wears all summer, but I think I did good! I could easily run into The Children's Place or Gymboree and buy the same brand-new outfit that 357 other little girls in town will be wearing, but where's the fun in that? There's something to be said about the thrill of the hunt...who says men are the hunters?! Haha!
**Can anyone else tell me why the bold and italics won't turn off, no matter how many times I "uncheck" them? It's hurting my eyes....Sometimes I hate Blogger!**
{Anyone else find any cool bargains recently on clothing?}
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Whatcha Cookin' Wednesday?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Gourmet {3} ::On Second Thought
by Michaela Byrd, age 14 1/2 months
I found myself in the 'Burg again recently, and I had my assistant make a reservation at the P Street Cafe. After reading my last tepid review of La Maison en Desordre, the very kind manager of the P Street Cafe offered me dinner on the house to make up for the horrendous experience I suffered through my last time in the 'Burg.
This car, Ferrari's latest model, is my pride and joy.
Dialing my lazy assistant
Lima Beans. A vile scourge of the taste buds.
I took one taste and threw a big huge hissy fit.
Preoccupied with preparing the main course, the chef ignored my request for a more suitable hors d'oeuvres, such as prosciutto herb gnocchi with fresh spinach, pine nuts, asparagus, and Parmesan cream.
It was when I took matters into my own hands that I discovered the delightful little hors d'oeuvres bar tucked away near the Kitchen door. I decided to help myself, and I am truly so glad I did. La Maison's chef has been holding out on me. I am seriously rethinking my previous review.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Goin' Steady
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Spend Less Saturday {5}

Friday, March 20, 2009
Have You Caught It Yet?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thrifty Thursday: It's Chic to be Cheap {5}

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Lord Loves a Cheerful Giver
Monday, March 16, 2009
All in the Family
My brother and sister and I like to call him "Blayah," because that's how his name sounded when our grandparents said it. Granny and O'pa were/are both from Virginia, but somehow adopted the Texas twang after all their years of Air Force moves. Blayah is the youngest of the four cousins, therefore I feel entitled to pick on him as I feel led. As my blog's readerhip has apparently expanded to include the college crowd, I know he'll see this. Perhaps I should also start a series on "it doesn't matter which major you pick because no matter what kind of job you get and how much money you make, your kids are going to bleed you dry."
Anyways, chatting with Blair brought back all kinds of memories. Because he is an only child, he was willing to follow along with just about anything we said. One of my earlier memories of our Texas visits was when we
The plot roughly revolved around two children who go to the North Pole to convince Santa not to cancel Christmas. They help the elves make the toys, and Christmas is saved. Hilarity ensues. (Don't try to steal our idea. It's copyrighted...probably by someone else.) We decided to make things easier on Jamie that year, and convinced Blair that he would be the perfect elf. Poor Blair couldn't have been much older than three or four, and I don't think he really knew what a play was, much less an Elf. He forgot his lines and kept saying "Let's play da play" over and over during our rehearsals. As the director and star of the show (I was always the star), this was somewhat nerve wracking to me, but our parents all found it endearing. Speilberg wrote in and requested a screenplay version, but we had other projects in the works at that time.
The other reason I loved Blair was because he lived all the way in Texas while we lived in Virginia. Because he is six years younger than me, and lived so far away, it was especially easy to pick on him because he didn't have the advantage of knowing all my tricks. You'd think Jamie, just a year older than Blair, would look out for his cousin, but he wanted to be in on the hazing. I guess he figured he'd been through his fair share. At some point, we got him to believe that an army of the "Brain Washers" from space had invaded San Antonio. I'll never forget the glee I felt when Blair ran screaming from my dad, who we recruited to play the part of someone who had been brain-washed (I think I got my teasing streak from my dad). I am a mean person.
Despite our run-ins, Blair grew up to be a normal person who is not on medicine for psychotic episodes. He must be pretty normal because he just got engaged to Lauren, who I secretly refer to as "Texas Barbie" because she looks just like my perfect Happy Birthday Barbie from 1987. No matter how much your family
Saturday, March 14, 2009
{10 ThInGS I LoVE...}
In honor of today, his 30th birthday, I want to do a little list of some of my favorite things about my hubby of 7 1/2 years!
1. He knows something about everything! This is astonishing in and of itself, as the last book I remember him reading was O'Reilly's Culture Warrior two year ago. He does not usually like to read unless the item features pictures of guns, sports, or motorcycles. I think his knowledge comes from the fact that he is able to listen to just about anything (except for instructions regarding his children) and remember it. This came in handy in college, and it comes in now during his marathon Fox News/History/Discovery Channel viewings.
2. He's kind of a looker. I've had a crush on him since I was 4 or 5 years old. I was always mesmerized by how cute he looked on the soccer field. --Now I sound like a boy-crazy 14 year old.
3. He is generous to a fault. It's his birthday this week, and he took the proceeds from a Gunbroker.com sale he made to buy me a new laptop!
4. He is handy! We couldn't live in this house if T wasn't a handy guy! So far, he has chopped down enormous trees rooting up our driveway, mulched the side yard, drywalled the Living room, made a Dutch door, turned a broom closet into a custom desk and then into a new coat closet, installed light fixtures, a new front door, built a closet in the bathroom, installed flooring, made built-in cubby bookcases, installed attic stairs, and countless other things that would have left us broke by now!!
5. He is a great breakfast cook. The man can fry up a mean slab of bacon! His pancakes are perfection.
6. He is patient.
7. His girls' faces light up when they see him!
8. He has a great work ethic. He is a wonderful bread-winner, and loves to take care of us.
9. Even though he is shy, he is a great leader. He leads by example, as he has learned from his dad and his boss, R. The guys who work for him ask for his opinion on all kinds of things. One of the delivery guys recently fessed up that his girlfriend was considering having an abortion. T talked to him without making the guy feel bad, and even went so far as to say that we would be willing to adopt the baby if they couldn't care for it. Something T said must have registered, because the mom decided to have the baby.
10. He is selfless! He is always willing to drop his plans at a moment's notice to help someone out.
T would be really embarrassed if he knew I wrote this! He knows I have a blog, but he doesn't read it so far as I know. At 30, he is much much older than my twenty-faux years (hehe), but I love him anyways.
What's the one thing you love most about your significant other?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Gimme a Break!
Kate Dolan's take gave me a smile. Hope it starts your weekend on a laughing note!
Verily, doofus, give thy Proverbial wife a break
Several years ago, our Bible-study group examined "The Proverbs 31 Woman." For those not completely "up" on their Proverbs, let me explain that the 31st (and final) chapter of Proverbs describes, at length, "a wife of noble character."
The author endows this wife with seemingly superhuman virtues and skills. She makes cloth not just for her family and her household, but as a going retail business. And that's just for starters. She also plants a vineyard, imports food, feeds the poor, and instructs the household. The writer notes that she never sleeps or even rests. No wonder!
I got tired just reading about her workload. My reaction: There is no way one woman could do all these things. But one woman in my Bible-study group had a different take. Instead of seeing all the things in the verses that we cannot seem to be able to do, she looked at things she already did for her family and saw how they fit into the pattern of the "noble wife." That is certainly a more encouraging approach.
Still, there are a lot of verses about "grasping the spindle" and "making linen garments" and other things that most American women just don't do much anymore. So I thought I'd update the verses a little to help a suburban wife of the 21st century relate to the ancient wisdom. Here goes:
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth more than a Nintendo system with Rock Band and Wii Fit all bundled together.
Her husband trusts her with all the credit cards and the remote control.
She brings him excellent credit ratings all the days of her life.
She selects volunteer cutting assignments from the kindergarten teacher and works with eager hands.
She is like merchant ships, bringing in food from the store with the best coupon deals that week.
She gets up before the clock radio kicks on; and microwaves sausage patties for her family.
She considers a lottery ticket and buys it; out of her Bunco winnings she enters a basket bingo and wins a birthday gift for her mother-in-law.
She works out at the gym vigorously; her arms are strong enough that she doesn't have too much of that hanging flab when she raises her forearms.
She sees that she's getting a good return on her 401(k) rollover, and her lamp always goes out at a reasonable time (but she can turn it back on if the kids need something or the dog starts whining).
In her hand she holds the steering wheel, and grasps the box of Cheez-Its to hand out to the kids in the carpool.
When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for she has arranged to go in late for work on days when schools open on a two-hour delay.
She makes her bed most days even if no one's coming over.
Her husband is respected at the city sports stadium, where he takes his seat among the season ticket- holders.
She makes allergen-free brownies and sells them at the bake sale; and supplies the Scout troop with sodas for the party.
She is clothed with strength and dignity, or at least sweats that are clean, with not too many paint spatters.
She can laugh at the ridiculously high heating bill.
She speaks with wisdom, and can faithfully instruct her family on how to change the bag in the vacuum cleaner.
She watches over the affairs of her children text-messaging each other in the same room and does not eat anything from the Cheesecake Factory.
Her children arise and, though they call her really bad names, at least they're up in time to get ready for school.
Her husband praises her (from his seat with the season ticketholders): "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who has read this far in my bad paraphrase deserves to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned: A rest. (In other words, that's the end.)
{Amen, Amen!}
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Things Are Lookin' Up!
Good News: Our friend MSB was able to retrieve a ton of stuff off my hard-drive...I have 5 CDs full of stuff to download onto...
{The New Laptop!}
Her name is Blanche. She has Windows Vista (I don't even know how that is different than XP, but that's what the box says), and is white.
T went out yesterday evening and came home to surprise me with a new Sony. He and Natalie popped out of the doorway yelling "Surprise!" (Natalie yelled "Supwise!" and kept wanting to "Supwise Mommy" for the rest of the evening) I'm still using his right now, but when he gets home tonight, he'll help me upload the discs onto the new machine. I am praying that MSB was able to get everything from my old computer.
When that happens, I'll be able to get back to blogging, and more importantly...reading what you guys have been up to! I have had some major withdrawals, not being able to check out my favorite blogs...I seriously had a twitch going on.
I can't wait to get back to reading all of your fabulous blogs, and I am really looking forward to doing some writing again. It's so much fun to have a creative outlet in blogging! Missed you all!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A Dark Day...
On Thursday afternoon, I spilled water on my laptop keyboard with my purse. *REALLY* dumb move. Was trying to run out the door to the grocery and as I ran by the computer, my enormous bag knocked my Nalgene bottle over and spilled some water onto the 'puter (as Natalie likes to call it).
I won't lie to you. I had some conflicting emotions in that split second that it happened.
Do I drop the baby and save the laptop, or do I gently set the baby down on the floor as my beloved 'puter fries?
I chose the best of both worlds. Michaela Byrd was deposited not-so-gently on the kitchen floor and in my haste to save the laptop, a little bit of water might have trickled down her neck, which scared her. While she screamed, I screamed inside my head.
Why me?!
Everything I have is on that laptop. Thank goodness I follow my own advice and probably 98% of my pictures are on discs, which is good. But I can't get to my work files, music, MOPS stuff, nuthin.'
T was surprisingly okay with it. This could be because he spilled Pepsi on his old laptop once (or twice) and the baby spilled water on his new one once when she was on his watch. So he can't say too much. 'Cept his always worked, or were under warranty. Sigh.
We let the 'puter dry out for over 24 hours, but it is a goner for sure. T's friend, Matt, says he can get stuff off the hard drive for me (yay!) and will attempt to check out the power source to see what he can do, but it looks like my early birthday present will be a laptop.
The good news is that we scoped them out at Best Buy last night, and the Sony closest to mine is about $500 cheaper than what I paid for mine 3 1/2 years ago, and it's a better laptop too. She's beautiful, but she's not the same as my good ole' laptop.
Happy early twenty-fauxth Birthday, Amanda. I will never again keep any sort of beverage next to my electronics!!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thrifty Thursday: It's Chic to Be Cheap {4}
Ta-Da! White Trash Tissues!
This is really so versatile, people. You can dress it up a little and place it on a cake stand or hang it by pretty ribbon from your cabinets. For very special occasions, a Waterford crystal bowl really enhances the soft whiteness of the paper. You can even keep it casual and go the old-fashioned route, and rip it right off the dispenser. Good-bye, Kleenex...Hello, Charmin!
In all seriousness, I have found that our Costco membership is turning out to be a good thing. I used to buy the Target brand paper towels, and we'd go through a roll almost every other day or so. The Costco brand, Kirklands, lasts days longer and is more heavy-duty. The same thing goes for the Kirklands brand of toilet paper. T is super picky about toilet paper...must be a guy thing. He hasn't said a word since I switched to buying tp from Costco, and I've noticed we are replacing the rolls far less often...although this could be due to the fact that Natalie has learned what an acceptable amount to use looks like.
Other things I've recently purchased in a generic brand:
~ Parent's Choice Little Puffs (Plus Calcium!): they come in the same little canister that the Gerber baby puff snacks do, but are way cheaper. Michaela Byrd has not shown a preference for either.
~ Target's cheese slices: much thicker slices than regular brand sliced cheese
~ Wal-Mart taco/chili seasoning packets: same taste as the expensive brands. a good buy when I just need it to add some flavor to a meal.
Is there anything you've found that is better to buy *Generic*? (dirty word again!!) Is there anything you won't buy in a store brand (it was formula for me, once I started my girls on it)?