Friday, April 3, 2009

ThAnKFuL FrIdAY: Count Your Blessings {2}

Last week's post on thankfulness was a great reminder for me (and apparently others!) on the importance of being grateful for what God has blessed me with, even when I don't feel like being thankful!

I get excited about all kinds of little, silly things, like finding these on sale for $12.99...they are my solemates (hehe...pun intended) or discovering a dollar in an old purse I haven't used in awhile, or a phone call from a friend who just wants to chat. On the other hand, I am often inclined to whine when things don't go my way, as opposed to immediately finding the silver lining. I usually do come across it...but it sometimes takes a quick kick in the pants from the Man Upstairs.

I'm not planning on making a "series" of these or anything...just thought I'd list five random things I am grateful for this afternoon and encourage you to do the same.

1. The Dollar Store---> I'll be sharing an article all about TDS by my friend Kelly in an upcoming Thrifty Thursday post, but that place is quickly becoming a fave on my shopping itinerary.
2. Rain--->it ruined my plans for an outdoor Easter egg hunt with the girls and some of their girlfriends this morning, but we needed it. It was an excellent opportunity to practice flexibility!
3. Scotch tape---> you're not thankful for it until you run out of it
4. Creative friends---> I am blessed with a bunch of friends (both in real life and in the blog world) who have the gift of creativity. This is great for me because I can copy them. I don't mind admitting it...I am a big, lazy copycat!
5. Friends with children who possess a penchant for all things entrepreneurial.---> L's oldest daughter just started her own cleaning business. She's like seven years old! I didn't get my first job (except for ocassionally babysitting) until I was nineteen! Why am I grateful for this? Because I am gonna get my downstairs dusted for like $5!! I'm not sure what she's saving up for, but she must be determined because she's got flyers and everything.

Okay, there's my list.

{What are a few things you are thankful right now?}


  1. I am thankful for 4 healthy children who make me laugh. I'm reminding myself this right now to keep from beating them because they won't stop fighting!!!

  2. Amen to the scotch tape!! Right now I'm thankful for my crazy puppy & for rainbows...God's promises! :)

  3. I forgot to mention...if you do the mod podge eggs, hold them on the ends and mod podge most of the egg, leaving a little spot on one side uncovered. The ends will also be uncovered from where you were holding it. Set it on the side that is still uncovered and let dry for a little while, it doesn't take long...I just work on the next egg while I'm waiting.

    Then you can pick it up holding onto the covered area, and mod podge the small areas that aren't covered yet.


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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