Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thrifty Thursday: It's Chic to Be Cheap {7}

Here's a great money-saving, thrifty tip if your bank account is running low at the end of the month, and you just can't spring a couple of bucks for Windex...(scroll down)

Just let your baby lick the windows clean! It's free, fast, and highly entertaining.

Okay, I seriously don't know what's wrong this kid. She likes to play in the dog water, she sneaks dog food, and she really really enjoys licking the glass storm door. I am at a loss for words here.

So, I know there really are some cheaper alternatives to namebrand cleaners out there!
Here are a few I found:

I chanced upon a Target brand of those "Magic Erasers" the other day. I haven't tried them yet, but I'll let you know how they compare. Those Magic Erasers are a mother's dream come true. They erase all traces of sticky finger prints from walls, tiny dog paw prints, black marks from shoes on the floor, and they work wonders on my white (or sometimes not-so-white) kitchen cabinets.
I used the Target brand of "Windex" last night, and it did a great job--for less money! I think I've heard my friend L talk about a home-made window cleaner before, but I could be wrong. Maybe she'll see this and comment.

We all know Baking Soda can be used for a multitude of different purposes. I found this great site with all kinds of tips for cleaning with baking soda, which you can get a box of for less than fifty cents at Wal-Mart.
Another great site, OrganizedHome, has a fabulous list of recipes for cleaners that you can create with ingredients from your pantry: white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, olive oil, and lemon juice.
So what about you?
Please share any thrifty, fabulous finds you've discovered that make your life at home easier; whether it's a website of tips, an actual product, or a method you use. I'll share your thoughts on Saturday's Spend Less post!
{LeT'S HeAR aBouT YoUR FruGAl FiNDs}


  1. Best glass cleaner ever: seltzer water. get a fresh bottle and dump it into a spray bottle and clean away. No harmful ingredients, and it works better than Windex.

    Counter/shower scrub: box of baking soda with a few drops of your fave EO (essential oil) scent dropped in. Store in an old Parm cheese, works very well, and you recycle that container!

    Toilet bowl cleaner: Denture tablets. Drop a couple in, let 'em dissolve and swish swish. Not nearly as caustic as conventional toilet bowl cleaner.


  2. Tupperware has the neatest window cloth. You just use plain water and wipe away. No streaks!!! It's amazing. I keep one in the bathroom and that silly mirror that gets soap and toothpaste splatters on it gets cleaned every other day...I just splash some water from the faucet and wipe away. I've never had a mirror stay this clean in my whole life (just wish I could say the same about the sink & stool.) IT IS FANTASTIC!!!! No harmful chemicals. By the way, Tracy is planning on having a party this month if anyone would like to order it. Speaking of tupperware, the dishtowel is awesome also. I could name off several other pieces that are great too. To save electricity and heating up the whole house with the can bake potatoes in the microwave using their vent & serve container. Delicious. I use the container for steaming any vegetable and reheating.

  3. Forgot to tell you, I love the picutre of MB. So cute!!!

  4. Oh my goodness! Wanna send her south? I've got some windows that need cleaning. :)

  5. My daughter is a dog impersonator and surface licker too!

    She is so weird!

    I have tried the Walmart brand magic just as well!



I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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