Several bloggers graciously tagged me with some fun games and awards this week, and I wanted to pass along the fun!
Lacey over at Lacey in Love (This girl is seriously talented! Love her style!) tagged me for the What's in Your Purse game. Do you really want to know? Okay, here goes....
This is my gloriously enormous bag. I got it at Target last summer. I love it. I can fit all sorts of junk inside. Don't laugh at me. I'm a mom, okay?
Lacey also tagged me in the game 6 Unimportant Things that Make Me Happy. In no particular order:
1. Finding the perfect accessory to match my outfit for the day
2. The first glimpse of the ocean as I reach the top of the dune
3. Getting something in the mail that is not a bill or junk mail
4. Discovering a piece of chocolate in the bread box. Did I hide it from myself? Who cares?!
5. Invitations. It doesn't matter if it's an Evite, a card in the mail, or a phone call...I love making plans to do fun stuff!
6. New shoes
To participate in this fun, I tag:
1.Alison at They Gave Me a Mullet
2.Suzanne at Southern Inspiration
3.Xazmin at This is the Year
4.Amanda at Imperfectly Beautiful
5.Meri at Seriously?Ridiculous!
6.Emily at The Webbs
On to the awards portion of our show!

Thank you to MomInHighHeels at My Life in High Heels, Katie at Sunshine and Bubblegum, and Annissa at A Page in My Book for thinking of me!
Here are the rules:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 10 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. (It was 15, but that's an awful lot of links to post!) Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
{Here are my picks!}
Some of them might be "famous" blogs, but I have only recently discovered them, and they are all fabulous!
1.Kate at Centsational Girl
2.Darby at Fly Through My Window
3.Becky at FarmGirl Paints
4.Holly at Homebody
5.Crystal at Olive Rue
6.Vanessa at V &. Co.
7.Sherry and John at This Young House
8.Sara at Whimsies & Whatnots
9.Hostess with the Mostess
10.Karla at It's the Little Things That Make a House a Home
Enjoy these links, and enjoy your holiday tomorrow!

Hi Amanda,
ReplyDeleteYou my dear are such a sweetie. Thank you for the sweet mention and "award". I think your blog is pretty FaBULous also. Have a great weekend:)
Totally off topic, but I saw a comment that you made over at the Black Sphere....take a minute when you can and take a look at my political blog too, follow it if you like it!
Amanda, thank you so much for the award! I'll blog about it tomorrow :)
ReplyDeleteLoved it!
ReplyDeleteYeah!! Congrats on your award!