Sunday, June 21, 2009

Get on the Phone Right Now...

...and call your dad if he's still around.

I wish my dad was here to spend Father's Day with, but he passed away in 1996. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him or miss him. When something exciting happens, there are still times that I'll start to think, "wait til I tell Dad!"

I have a wonderful father-in-law. But he's not my dad.

So if you have a dad or a step-dad in your life and you can't be with him today, call him up and let him know how much you love him!

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  1. Hey there!

    Thank you for your sweet comment!
    I hope today is a happy reflective day for you, remembering all the great things about your poppa.

    Following you!

    Happy Day!

  2. Stopping by from SITS to Share Some Sunday Comment Love...AND the chance at a $50 Target Gift Card!

  3. Amanda, ain't it the truth? I miss my Dad too. He has been gone for 3 yrs. longer than yours. It sounds like they were both way too young. :(

    I know you wish your dad were here to see your fun and beautiful daughters.

  4. Sorry your daddy's no longer with us. But he is in our hearts. Happy daddys day to all!Stopping by from SITS!

  5. Hi Amanda! Your post is eloquent and sweet. I wish you fond memories of your Dad and peace in your heart.

    My Dad was just diagnosed with cancer. It puts a whole new light on Father's Day and the incredible importance these God-given men play in our lives.

  6. I'm sorry you aren't able to spend time with your dad today.

    But I'm glad you were blessed to have a wonderfual dad in your life for a time.

    Hope you have a beautiful day!

  7. I'm in the same boat with you Amanda. I do have a step father, so that's nice, but not the same, you're right.


  8. I hear you girl. My Dad passed away a few years ago now. No step dad; just a wonderful Father-in-Law and Heavenly Father to bond with!

    Days like Father's Day are actually a little easier for me than those, "I can't wait to tell Dad..." moments or birthdays. It seems easier when I can focus on my husband or Father-in-Law instead today. I completely avoid the Father's Day cards though...

  9. Hi Amanda,
    My family was thinking of my real dad who passed away in 1988 and Lee. It's hard to believe it's already been 2 years. And, I'm glad you also got to experience Lee's love for your family as well. I am thankful for my step-father who I've known longer than my real father. He is a gift. Best.


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