This week's Thrifty Thursday post started as more of a joke, but ended with some tips on caring for your hair at home.
Kudos to Carole over at Hey Mom, What's for Dinner Tonight?...she recently colored her own hair.
{We've not been to the salon in over three months. I've taught myself how to cut hair and am able to say that the entire family still looks good despite my freshman efforts. And, drum roll please, I colored my own hair yesterday! It looks fabulous and I paid under 5 bucks (store sale & coupon) for the color. To think all these years I was paying tons of money for color/cut/style. Sheesh!}
Brenda at Queen of Good Intentions had a word of caution for anyone looking to try the homemade conditioners with mayonnaise in them:
{I tried using mayo in my hair in high school and it was a smelly nightmare to wash out. Let me just mention first that I hate mayo, but I was willing to try anything for beauty!}
My sister, Alison had a positive experience with the mayo conditioner, or rather, her college roommate did. Alison wrote:
{I mayo-ed my roomie's hair once (she had very curly hair that was dried crispy from coloring and flat-ironing) and it worked really great! It was fun to rub it in her head and then we wrapped it with plastic wrap, her hair was really smooth after.}
I'm not really sure how I feel about the mayo thing, honestly. I think I tend to agree with Brenda's sentiment that I'd be "willing to try anything for beauty." This blog is written by a girl who wore stilettos at 9 months pregnant, after all.
Nicole over at The Soul is Dead that Slumbers had a very easy tip that I've also heard of to keep hair shiny:
{Never ever use hot water on your hair in the shower. Make it as cool as you can. If the coolest you can handle is still kind of hot-ish... rinse your hair at the end with cold water before getting out. Heat on your hair in any form will dry it out.}
This one is hard for me, as I love a good hot shower. It's almost painful to do a quick, cold rinse, but I have heard that it makes for shinier hair. Sadly, my hair would take about 3 days to air dry, so I use a blow dryer with a diffuser.
I tried to come up with a few more tips to save money on hair care.
A no-brainer would be to skip the shampoo and style at the stylist and wash your own hair before the appointment. I'll admit that this is a hard one for me to enforce upon myself, as a good shampoo, cut, and style is often the only form of pampering I see.
And, well, that's all I could come up with. So my friend Google and I sat down together to find some good sites.
Pioneer Thinking has a whole list of articles on everything from styles to suit your face shape to homemade shampoos.
Free Beauty Tips offered some ideas on air drying vs. blow drying, quick fixes for your hair, remedies for oily hair, and more!
Of course you can probably browse Glamour, In Style, Cosmo, or their online counterparts for more tips.
Thanks to everyone who offered some ideas and suggestions!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Great tips! I also have a hard time with the cold rinse because I love hot showers too. Thanks for sharing these!
ReplyDeleteVisiting from SITS :)
I tried the mayo thing once when I still lived at home (with my parents). Except my parents don't eat mayo. They eat Miracle Whip (gross) and my teenage self didn't realize there was a difference. I applied said MW to my gorgeous young locks over the kitchen sink. As soon as the smell hit my nostrils I took off running for the bathroom, heaving and gagging all the way. I haven't tried that beauty approach since that incident. I do use olive oil for my own hot oil treatments, though. And a quick vinegar water rinse at the end of the shower. It seems to do great things for the hair shaft and shine. I also usually get my hair cut at the local beauty school. The prices are deeply discounted and everything is closely supervised by an instructor.
ReplyDeleteI'm still impressed by the fact that you cut your family's hair!! I cut my husband's hair once and I cut it too short and he didn't like it... I cried.
ReplyDeletewww.naturallycurly.com...great site,um, interesting people...stay out of the politics section as our president walks on water and they want to destroy anyone who doesn't agree. Seriously, talk about personal destruction...there are a few of us sane folks there though. But terrific hair tips, ways to 'type' your hair...
ReplyDeletePersonally, I stopped using shampoo several years ago and wash it with conditioner. Very easy. I don't use any products on my hair that have alcohol in them and I try to avoid the 'cones'...as it just coats your hair...vinegar rinses on a regular basis are good, as is a deep conditioning treatment...which can be found in your fridge. Until a couple of years ago, I got mine colored at the beauty school. Can't beat the price, they are always up for something different, fun kids and VERY closely supervised. I had several old hand stylists compliment me on the color. They do a great job. Can't wait to go out there again. ALso good for mani and pedicures. But with curly hair, I stick to a specialist.
I'm a big time hot shower taker too. I'm too in love with it to not use hot water on my hair.
ReplyDeleteBut when I was in middle school, my friends and I made a club...we were the Mermaids (watched that movie with Cher in it at one of said friends b-day parties, that's how we came up w/ the name). Anyways, our initiation into the club was to wash our hair in ice cold running water...don't ask me how we came up with that, but we all did it! And we all had really long hair, so it wasn't a quick thing!
Also...love that you wore high heels while 9 months preg. There is nothing that makes legs look sexier!
Was that the longest comment ever? Sorry to hijack your blog!
Great tips! I've heard the whole cold shower thing too...but I find that my hair is so good at sucking up product that I need to rinse with hot at least for a bit just to get any of it out! LOL!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea for a post. I may have to steal it. Stopping by from SITS. If you get a chance, stop by my blog and enter my one year anniversary contest. It's free and you might win a really cool Super Deluxe Out of the Box sampler, which is something any thrifty mommy would love...