Friday, July 3, 2009

Hooked On: "Fluffy" Books

I've mentioned once or twice that my current literary tastes seem to revolve around novels that have or should be turned into movies that will pack the house with teen and college aged girls. (Wow, that sentence made me feel so much older than twenty-faux.)

I. love. chick lit.

There, I said it. I am Hooked on Fluffy Books!

Fluffy books? you might be wondering. What in the heck is a fluffy book?

I think of fluffy books as one might picture sneaking a bite of their child's cotton candy when they are not looking. It's a guilty pleasure. It's light, sugary sweet, happy, and satisfying in the moment.

I haven't always been this way.

Not too many years ago, but in a completely different life, I was working hard to earn my college degree. This is some of what was on my reading list. Some of it was truly thought provoking. Some of it was crap. (P.S. I'm not a Faulkner fan) When I graduated and could read anything I wanted without having a highlighter and pen within reaching distance, I was sure I'd read some more classics.

So what happened?

Detaching this from my leg while I am trying to vacuum or

cleaning up after Little Miss Fashion designer sort of takes its toll on you.

At the end of most days, I just want to sit and stare blankly at the television. So this is what my reading list looks like these days.

Okay, the wine is just a joke and probably belongs in the first picture. (Except I was more of a Goldschlager girl) And yes, that is an In Style magazine. That counts.

In case any of you are as fried as I am and want a good fluffy book recommendation should you catch yourself with a few extra minutes to yourself this weekend, I thought I'd offer a suggestion. Who knows? I might do a few little fluffy book reviews every so often.

Today, I'd like to introduce you to Mary Kay Andrews, if you haven't already met her work. She is a fabulous Southern writer, and her heroines are always funny and spunky. I love MKA because her love for thrifting and design is always evident in her books.

The Hissy Fit was the first book by MKA that I read, and it is downright hilarious! The main character pitches a hissy fit the likes of which her small town has never seen when she catches her fiancé cheating on her. She also catches the attention of a new town resident, who offers her the job of helping him restore a rundown mansion. There is subplot with a mystery, but MKA does a delightful job of merging the dark comedy with that storyline. This would be such a great poolside or beach read.

Or, if you're like me, stay up way too late after the kids have gone to bed and read until your husband comes upstairs to ask if you washed any boxers today.

Next on my reading list?

A Purse-Driven Life: It Really is All About Me by Anita Renfroe. My friend Erin lent this book to me an embarrassingly long time ago, and I've been meaning to dive in. Now's my chance before the girls wake up!

What's on your reading list? (Remember, In Style counts!)

Please go right away to see Julia at Hooked on Houses! She's always hooked on the best stuff, and it's fun to see what everyone is sharing.

{Happy Reading!}
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  1. I love me some good fluffy books! In fact I've already read a stack of them. Hissy Fit is great. I think I read it last year. I'm currently reading Where Serpents Sleep (A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery), which isn't exactly chick lit, but believe me, it's not Faulkner either. I think it qualifies as fluff though. So far this summer I've read, Finger Licken' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum novel), Working Stiff (Wanna-be Stephanie Plum), Twilight (again), Ex Why and Me (terrible, do not read), Size 12 is Not Fat, Size 14 is Not Fat Either, Big Boned, Austenland, Me and Mr. Darcy, What Angels Fear (Sebastian St. Cyr 1), When God Die (Seb St. Cyr 2) Why Mermaids Sing(Seb St. Cyr 3) and a whole host of others I can't remember. I'm a very fast reader in case you couldn't tell. Also, there are times when I'd rather eat than sleep or eat. It's a bit of a sickness really. :) If you have any other recommendations, I'd be happy to hear them. I'm hooked on books too!

  2. I love fluffy books, too! I just finished Devil in the Junior League by Frances Lee and now I'm reading Girls in Trucks by (?). I'm all about fluffy book reading. I hope that Mary Kay Andrews will have a new book out soon. Dorothea Benton Frank is also good fluffy beach reading. Her books are all set in the low land.

  3. Casual Reading? Bah! While I love to do so, once I became a mom that flew out the window with all my sanity and clothes that fit.

    Oh, I would try to read when my kids were little. Nice glass of wine, cozy chair and a kid asking, "Mom, are you reading?" "Uh, no, honey. I'm just sitting here staring at this open book." "Good," he replies. "Can you read me this Winnie the Pooh book?" :-)

    I'm impressed you're able to read with two little ones in tow. At least something other than Pooh or Dora.

  4. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely have to check it out! I love fluffy books too!

    Only, I have a sickness, and once I start reading a book, I can't stop...I ignore my family, and all responsibilities so I can finish.

    I need help.

  5. I saw Twilight sitting there!!! :D I hope to reread that series. It has renewed my interest in reading. A nice fantasy world to escape into. I do like your suggestions and will look into them as I need something to take me away.

  6. That's an awesome suggestion! I am actually hooked on Janet Evanovitch and her 15th just came out of her Stephanie Plum series and I can't wait to get my hands on it! I just got back from a massage this morning and I am takin it easy the rest of the day... I'm gonna start that book for sure..
    Have a wonderful week end and a fabulous 4th!
    ~Really Rainey~

  7. I am an absolute chick-lit addict. I love all kinds, from Jennifer Weiner and Marian Keyes, to Jane Green and Whitney Gaskell (my latest find!) I have read 3 of her books, with Mommy Tracked being my favorite, so far. Another one I enjoyed was Stop Dressing Your Six-Year-Old Like a Skank, by Cecilia Rivenbark, and I want to read more by her soon. She's also a Southern chick-lit writer, and a lot of fun! Enjoy your fluff, Mama. It's WELL DESERVED!

  8. Amanda...seriously? This is getting a little freaky. I love, love, love MKA! Her books are such fluff and I love every last page of them. What year were you born again? My family always teased me that I was adopted because I am the only blond out of 7 people! I'm just sayin...

  9. My reading list has been magazines of late - everything from cooking / recipes, home interiors, and gardens. The good thing about magazines is that I can read an article or two in my lunch break, or just flick through the pages.

    It's hard to read a novel during my lunch break at work - I get so absorbed into the book I don't want to go back to work.

    But I've just bought a new book called The Love Dare. Can't wait to get into it.

  10. If it is any consolation to you, those are my favorite kind of books, and I'm not wrastling any kids off my legs or cleaning up after any fashion designers. I'm working on my MBA though, and it feels like I've been in school forever, so anything remotely resembling academic reading is OFF the list for me ;)


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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