Friday, August 28, 2009

Fun Friday

It's Friday!!

Okay, that doesn't really mean anything to me because I stay home all day with the girls in a neverending monotonouse stream of Fisher Price toys, Max & Ruby, sippy cups, and Goodnight Moon. But sometimes Mimi (my mom) brings pizza over for a little Friday night pizza party, and that breaks up the mind numbingly long afternoons. It's a nice surprise.

I love surprises.

This afternoon, I was suprised to see that Lacey from Lacey in Love featured me in her De-Funk Your Fashion Friday post.

I wrote Lacey once to tell her about my style slump. I spend so much time running around making sure that the girls look cute that there's not much time left over for me. My staple "let's run some errands go to preschool drop-off shopping breakfast at MOPS" look is a dark top paired with dark jeans. Add flip flops in the summer and some cute shoes in the winter. Lots of black...I want to vanish as much as possible.

My mom occassionally *helps* my slump by providing what she deems acceptable "Mommy-ware." Sometimes she'll find a cute piece, but I was once the recipient of a red (non-fitted!) t-shirt with a country quilted star on the front. To use Lacey's words, it looked "like it came from Cracker Barrel." I am twenty-faux, not seventy-faux!

Mom doesn't dress like this anymore since my sister and I forced her to giveaway all of her school teacher pinafore jumpers with the ABCs and teddy bears all over them, so I'm not sure why she thinks I'd appreciate a red t-shirt with a country quilted star on the front. Maybe she remembers other moms dressing this way in the 1980s when she was a young mom?? It's the thought that counts, right?

Well, the thought really counted today, because Lacey was so sweet to put together a Polyvore inspiration board for me. Here it is:

I love everything (!) here.
~The shoes are so cute, and so not something I would have picked out right away because again with the black. Be still my heart!
~J'adore the red top...just the right amount of girlieness and casual for a day around town.
~I dig the sparkes!! The red jewel ring is right up my alley, and the little owl cut out necklace is so unique. I could use a new necklace...don't have many left after the babies rip 'em off me. I also like the simplicity of the earrings.
~It's all in the bag! Cute cute cute handbag. This girl is brilliant. She must have subconsciously (or conscisouly??) known I love big bags. I have a lot of stuff that I tote around.

The only item that makes me nervous is the pair of jeans. Anyone else who is not a size 4 have a pair of skinny jeans? Do you think that a long top would provide some coverage for this Mama? Lacey also suggested some sexy cropped jeans because she is right, those shoes "need to be seen!" I have a hard time finding cropped jeans in a good length, but I am willing to look if I can't pull off the skinnies. Trust me, Amanda and "skinny" have not been together in a long, long time.

The BEST part about this board was that all of Lacey's selections were trés trés affordable! The amazing shoes are only $19 at I've never bought shoes online before, but I just may consider!

Thank you, thank you, Lacey for this sweet little pick-me-up on a Friday. One of my goals for this Fall needs to be putting more thought into the way I dress. I can do better than that black long-sleeved GAP turtleneck sweater!

If you've never been by Lacey's spot, please go and visit. Tell her I sent you. I love reading her blog because she is so much fun. I live vicariously through her pretty young single-chick's fun!

Makes me feel like dancing! But you don't want to see me dance, so I'll give you something else...

Because it's Friday, and I promised Xazmin, and it's my blog after all, I thought I'd leave you with this fun dance video from my favorite Summer show, So You Think You Can Dance. If you missed the fabulosity this summer, it starts up again with auditions at 8 pm (ET) on September 9th. This contemporary piece about two friends who have fallen in love was one of my favorites from this season. It's choreographed by Travis Wall, who some of you might remember as the dancer from the famous, Emmy winning "Bench" dance. The girl, Jeanine, ended up winning the competition. Enjoy!

{Happy weekend, sweet readers!}

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  1. Hahah! Thank you! I look forward to the rest! I loooooved this dance, although was blushing a little when my daughter was watching it with me!

    I love the new outfit too! Although, I am not a fan of the skinny jeans. Even on size 4's. I just don't think they're flattering on any figure...but that's just me.

    Yeah, skinny hasn't been around me in a long time either. I miss her.

  2. Hi there! I am new to the blogging world and just found saw yours and I have to say, that I LOVE, Love, LOVE this dance from sytycd. This one was my absolute favorite this year. The hubs is so amazing as he got me tickets to go in Oct and I can hardly wait!
    Also, I totally agree with your sentiments on the wardrobe- I too am a SAHM (and love it!) but I certainly need to do more in the fashion side of things. Have a great weekend!- kristin

  3. Oh my! I love all those pieces. That bag is great. I love big bags too, the bigger the better to carry all of my junk. I always tell my friends that if I could get away with it, I'd carry a duffel bag with me everywhere. The clothes are super cute too but I'm just as leary as you are when it comes to skinny jeans/ :-/ Let me know if you try them out. Take care!

  4. oooo, i love, love that outfit, amanda! thanks for the dance flashback too...that one was one of my faves from last season:o) can't wait til september whenever the new one airs!

  5. Great outfit! Amanda, I love reading your're so talented!

  6. Love the outfit! It's cute! I've never bought skinny jeans, but when I was pregnant I accidentally tried on a pair of skinny maternity jeans.... what?? who would wear them?! Not me!

  7. how weird. lauren asked to see this particular dance (again) today. but to keep it G-rated, i told her it's about a husband and wife who have been fighting and make up. ;oP

  8. So I'm catching up on my blog following at 6am before the baby is up, and you've made my morning.

    1. little bit jealous that you get surprises like THAT! I do know how exciting breaking up an afternoon routine can be on mommy!
    2. I'm getting used to my new style called "the frump", and I laughed to myself when you confirmed that your necklaces don't make it through the day either.
    3. I LOVE LOVE SYTYCD, and I loved Jeanine. Just seeing that dance again put me in a great morning mood.

  9. Cute outfit! I also am leary of skinny jeans. IF I ever tried any they'd have to have a ton of stretch. I see middle schoolers wearing them ever single day and they don't even flatter their skinny bodies. I'm hoping the trend will go away!

  10. Red House HappeningsAugust 29, 2009 at 7:33 AM

    Love your blog!!!

  11. Such an adorable outfit she put together for you!!! LOVE the shoes!!! That was an amazing dance, can't wait for the show to be on again!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  12. My youngest is the "fashionista" in the family. I'll have to share this with her. SITS sent me by ~ Happy Sunday...

  13. Loved the dance!

    stopping by from SITS to say hi; hope you'll do the same.

  14. Such a cute outfit! I hear ya on the skinny jeans...they can be cute with the right outfit, but I'm kind of looking forward to the time when they go back out of style :) But I think you'd be a totally HOT mom in that outfit, girl!

  15. So cute! I am opposed to skinny jeans because, well, I'm too skinny. I see no need to highlight my chickeny legs. I'm all about the mid-rise boot cut.

    Also - would you/do you wear heels in your regular life? I always admire those who but can't imagine doing it myself!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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