Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tasty Tuesday: Incredible Pink Punch

It's Tasty Tuesday over at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam. Please visit Jen today to find more delicious meal ideas!

I plan on posting about my sister's bridal shower several times this week, and I figured that this is the perfect opportunity to share my recipe for Incredible Pink Punch. It's fabulous!

Don't go crazy now...this is a virgin punch! I've served it at birthday parties and it's always a hit.

Incredible Pink Punch
from allrecipes.com


2- 46 oz. bottles cranberry raspberry juice (I bought cheap-0 Sam's Choice brand from Wal-Mart, and it turned out just fine!)

1-32 fl. oz. bottle pina colada mix (Pictured above)

2 liters raspberry ginger ale soda


In a large plastic container, combine the cranberry-raspberry juice with the pina colada mix. (Note: I am never able to find bottles of cranberry-raspberry juice in 46 oz. I buy the 64 oz. size and just mix it to taste) It makes a cool psychedelic swirl effect when you mix it!

Freeze overnight. In fact, I'd make it the afternoon before to be sure it freezes all the way!

Remove mix from freezer 30 minutes prior to serving. Place frozen slush in punch bowl and slowly add raspberry ginger ale.


I think the cranberry gives it a little kick, but it's still sweet. I've had many compliments on this one. It works well for birthday parties, showers, or other get togethers.

Stay tuned this week for more fun, and be sure to click over here to find out more about my Decorating Dilemmas Party! There is a giveaway contest for participants!
{Bon Appetit, Y'all!}

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  1. Sounds awesome. I've never heard of cranberry ginger ale, but now I'll go searching for it.

  2. I can't wait to try this punch!


  3. Mmm, that sounds perfect for a party! I know you posted the virgin version, but I'd prob have to "kick it up a notch" for a party at my house with some vodkie or rum, lol :)

  4. Sounds so REFRESHING!!! on a hot summer day. THANKS!!! Geri

  5. That really sounds tasty.

  6. This sounds delicous! It would be perfect for a party or shower. I'll be saving this recipe to try. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Great idea for the bridal open house I am hosting in September. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope you will join me at diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com for Crock Pot Wednesdays. The giveaways this weeks are really great!

  8. The recipe sounds yummy! Are you excited for tomorrow's finale of So You Think You Can Dance? Who are you rooting for?

  9. Sounds delicious, looking forward to seeing your sister'sbridal shower pics x

  10. The punch was sooo good. Thanks for the recipe. And happy belated anniversary!!

  11. Oh my goodness, this looks divine and makes me all of a sudden need a Sonic. :) Love your idea about the Design Dilemna~ I featured one on my blog today. I know a ton of people have them, and may not have the money for a consultation, so it should be popular!

  12. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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