Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Updated my profile pic. Hope that's okay...I know some people hate change.

I liked the "Jimmy Choo" background of my old photo, but it was taken too far away and I was wearing an enormous, puffy ski coat. Let's face it, that only lent to my Michelin Man appearance.

I figured I won't be losing any weight any time soon to be posting a glamour shot (remember those from the 90s???!!), so ya get whatcha get.

I always like to see the face behind the words I read. Guess that's why novels have a book jacket...so I can see how much prettier Emily Giffin has gotten since her last release.

Hope you're still reading and the update didn't crack your computer screen or anything.


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  1. I like your new profile photo!

    I do remember Glamour Shots from the 90s. I had one taken before I met my husband. When I showed it to him, a couple of years later, he HATED it. It's still stuck in a box, somewhere.

  2. You are beautiful, Amanda.....don't sell yourself short. And terribly funny!!! ;)


  3. Very good profile pic! You're a beautiful young woman. I like seeing faces, too. It helps me remember who is who since I follow so many blogs!


  4. Oh your cute and you know it;) Love your new pic!

  5. Um...this is NOT the photo you said you were putting up. I'm very disappointed.

    Still beautiful though!!!

  6. lauren just asked why i'm on the computer screen :) (the b & w of you looks like me, i guess)

  7. You have gorgeous hair!! Now I see where your girls get their beautiful locks!! Looks great!:-)


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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