Wednesday, September 9, 2009

DIY: Flip Flop Basket

It's Do It Yourself Day over at Kimba's A Soft Place to Land. If you enjoy reading about creative projects that YOU can do at home, this is the party for you!

One quick aside: My Decorating Dilemmas Party is still up! If you haven't had a chance to stop by to link up your own challenge or solution, please head over here now. This is a great spot for you to get some feedback on dilemmas you face in and around your home, and there is a giveaway for participants. (Partygoers, PLEASE make sure you are taking the time to visit some of the other links. It's not a party if you just link up and sit there...wink wink)

Regular readers know that my sister got married this past Sunday and I experienced some major humiliation.

I promised Alison weeks ago that I'd put together a box or basket for the wedding reception to hold flip flops. She wanted ladies to be able to take off their heels and enjoy the dance floor, as the reception site forbids bare feet.

I had a nice pile of plastic bagged Old Navy flip flops arrive at my house via UPS. Classy looking, huh?

I couldn't just leave them in the logo-marked bags, could I? I swiped this metal basket from Michaela Byrd's changing table. I normally use it to hold diapers, wipes, and baby lotion. She didn't miss it.

Then I sat and watched free HBO while I unwrapped and cut the tags off of each pair of flip flops.

It was 12:30 in the morning, and I was pretty tired. I get cranky when I'm tired, so I can't say that I put my heart and soul into this project, but it did turn out better than a cardboard box of plastic-wrapped shoes.

I grabbed my seldom-used Cricut machine and spent a half an hour trying to get the letters to cut out right. I had it on the wrong settings at first, which is why it took so long. Don't think I didn't say a few bad words under my breath.

Here's the sign I made for the basket:

It says "Kick Off Your Shoes and DANCE" with two swirly shapes on either side. Not my best work, but that's what I get for finishing a project at 1:30 in the morning.

I had some black and white striped ribbon that I used to hang the sign from the basket. I also used it to tie each pair of flip flops together. I could have sworn I had some dark red ribbon somewhere, but I could not find it. If I had extra time, I would have used the red ribbon mixed with the black. I also would have liked to do little round red tags with the size number in black for each pair.

I guess it turned out okay because every pair was gone when I went to retrieve my basket after the reception.

I'd call that a success!!

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  1. What a cute idea! I love thoughtful touches like that at wedding receptions and parties. I love your a fellow mommy looking for serenity!!! LOL

  2. Such a cute idea! I love that there weren't any left - that is awesome!

  3. You know the first time I ever saw the basket of flips flops was at a wedding I was shooting in Destin, FL. I loved it! Love your basket.

  4. What a cute idea! I love it!

    I too have a love/hate relationship with my cricut. Don't ya just hate when the setting isn't right? Then either it doesn't cut all the way through, or it SHREDS your cuts!

  5. Great solution--I hope your sister had a wonderful wedding!

  6. Very cute idea! I missed your decorating dilemmas party AGAIN!!! I'm a bad bloggy friend, I'm sorry :-( Wedding planing seems to be comsuming my life as of late. Pleae tell me you'll do it again next month?

  7. Cute idea. At first I thought it was something you were keeping at the entry of your home.

  8. Great idea! I was at a wedding Friday night, too, and could have used some flip flops for my aching feet. :)

  9. Clever idea! Thanks for stopping by to say hello today!

  10. I love this! So, they thought they could dance, huh?! Don't worry, I won't quit my day job.

  11. that's a super great idea!! the bride of the last wedding i was in gave us flops that matched our dressed to wear at the reception too. it really saved our feet and made dancing a lot more fun:o)

  12. That was a smart idea. Love your blog by the way!

  13. Amanda! Way cute idea!!!

    I added the DD button to my blog! Sorry it took me till today. I am on a computer fast...not really but I am limiting my use while the kids are awake to only 1.5 hours. YIKES!

  14. So cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog...Looking forward to reading more at yours!

  15. You are a champion--for giving the speech and for creating the cute flip-flop basket. That's actually a great idea, and although you might not have been totally satisfied with the final project, it really looked very cute! What a great sister you are! And a great mom, as well. . . but three-year-olds will be three-year-olds, won't they? :)

  16. This is such a great idea. My sister is getting married in Feb. and this just might have to be included! Thanks for sharing.


  17. I loved the sign you made for the basket. What a cute saying & idea.


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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