Monday, October 5, 2009

DIY: Adding Newspaper (?!) to a Fall Arrangement

It's DIY Day over at Kimba's A Soft Place to Land! I've been out of commission for a couple of weeks, and I'm ready to hop back into the game.

Before I get to my little DIY project for the week, I wanted to take a sec and invite all of Kimba's readers to the 3rd installment of my Decorating Dilemmas Party!
If you didn't have a chance to stop by the first two times, this is a party for bloggers to link up with any challenges they have in or around their homes (decorating, crafts, organizing, gardening, construction). Your dilemma can be anything from "Help! My 3 year old only wants pink pumpkins. How can I decorate pumpkins with a pink theme?" to "Help me choose a shower curtain for our guest bath." I also love it when people have great solutions to share.

This party is all about being real and helping out our bloggy friends. We're going to have a blast. There will be another giveaway! You might be the lucky winner of Better Homes & Gardens' "Do It Yourself" issue.

You can click here and here to see the entries from the last two parties. Hope to see you there! The party will go up tomorrow (Tuesday) after 10 pm (EST).

Now...on to business....

I wanted to share a little tip with you. I've had this Fall arrangement for 4 or 5 years now.
Yes, it's a little sparse in the middle. I need to pick up some "fresh" faux greenery, but considering I haven't wanted to climb up in the attic to get my stash, it's really a miracle that this arrangement made the trek to the front door.

But I do love the pretty Fall colors and the brown, orange, and reddish ribbon.

How do I get all those tall faux pieces to stay in place on the front door? Here's my tip:


I was too impatient to run out and get that green florist foam stuff, so I just scrunched newspaper down inside the bucket, and it's worked like a dream.

I really like the plaid ribbon with the beat up rustic bucket.

Here's my little Fall garden flag dressing up the front stoop. I'd like to find a cutesy Halloween one (anyone seen anything in Michaels, AC Moore, or JoAnns?).

Love my Fall wall slate. I hang in on the brick to the right of our front door.

If you've been a Fall procrastinator like me, I hope this post inspired you to get your stuff out of storage and start displaying it. If you're having trouble making decisions, give the Decorating Dilemmas Party a try! I have some cute cute cute painted faux pumpkins to share with you all, but I think I'll wait til I've decided where to put them.

{Have fun and Be Creative!}

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  1. Cute stuff lady :) You are so creative!!! xox

  2. HEY! Are you trying to take over my job and be the new "Plant Lady"?? :) Very creative of you, Miss Amanda! Why yes, I can see where newspaper would work. Now that's being resourceful!

    Pretty ribbon!

  3. It's so simple, but it really did make a difference. You're so smart. :)

  4. Wow, what a great use for newspaper. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Amanda! Thanks for visiting my blog and for the sweet comment. I signed up as a follower and would love it if you did the same!

  6. I just love the kind of ideas that make me go, "Why didn't I think of that?" Using newspaper is so smart! Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us. Or your thriftiness. Or whatever quality it was that made you come up with this excellent solution!

    And I love, love the pumpkin sign.

    Isn't fall fun?

  7. Great solution! I got my pumpkin flag at Michael's...but it was about 3 years ago!

  8. I've been searching for a 'rustic' containers! I love 'filler'. Newspapers, box store baggies...whatever will do! LOL

  9. Great tip! My door bucket has re-purposed orange tissue paper. I've even used plastic bags from the grocery store!!! Your decor is darling!

  10. I love the bucket, add that to my things you should send me list!:-) Great idea on the newspaper too, and I have seen cute Halloween flags at Joanns. Hope your day was a good one!

  11. I've been known to stuff all manner of junk into my faux floral displays. Newspaper will be my next victim :o) I'm a new follower!

  12. Lovin' on your fall door thingie (Nice technical term there)

    I have a linky party going you may want to link up:

  13. I love the newspaper - I love that you didn't have to go to the store for that last little bit. Doesn't it always seem that's the case? Love your solution!

  14. Amanda, My filler of choice has always been plastic bags. Just call me the bag lady... *grin*

  15. Looks perfect! I love the garden flag too, I'm going to have to get me one of those. I'm so excited about about your decorating dilemmas party. I have my post all ready to go! Ooooh maybe I'll be the first one to post! Haha!

  16. I do that all the time! It's one of the thriftiest tricks I know.

  17. I love your door arrangement ... great tip, too! I have the same metal wall pocket in my bathroom. Love your other outdoor fall touches.


  18. I really enjoyed looking around your blog! What great ideas!!
    *Eliza’s blog*

  19. Good much have I missed?

    Love this tip...I will be trying it out for sure!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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