Highlight of my week?
The first MOPS meeting of the "new year" was Thursday morning, and I was sooo ready to get back in the groove. I'll share more about it another time, but it was such a blessing to leave my little ones in capable hands in the nursery and have two hours of uninterrupted relaxation with grown-ups.
Something I accomplished this week:
My friend L convinced me to try a water aerobics class with her this afternoon, and I am so glad I gave it a shot. I've been very very lazy about spending time at the gym, and feel like I just need a little motivation to get there and work. L's encouragement was exactly what I needed. I enjoyed the class and will probably try it again soon, as the sight of me in a bathing suit did not scare anyone away.
Plans this weekend?
I may take the girls to a consignment sale in the morning. I'd really like to find Natalie a winter dress coat that does not cost upwards of a hundred bucks. I've had success in the past, so we'll see. I NEED to work on my Fall decorations...I am so behind! Church on Sunday, and hopefully some time spent planning a menu for next week.
Best TV of the week?
I was a little bored with Grey's Anatomy, but The Office never disappoints. "In the memo line I'm going to write 'To Love's Eternal Glory.'"
What am I reading?
I am sifting through the enormous pile of books in my "to-read" list. I started Daring Chloe in a spare moment during the MOPS Convention. I don't think it belongs in the canon, and to be honest, I bought it because it was purple and had a picture of the Eiffel Tower on the cover. I am that shallow.
Favorite thing I bought this week:
This is a toughie! Brace yourself. I didn't really buy anything this week....Okay, pick your jaw off the floor. Natalie was sick earlier in the week, so we didn't go out. I did find a really cute birthday card for my MOPS Table Leader...it had illustrated shoes and purses on the front. Very girlie. Very me. Target has the best cards for any occasion!
Most annoying thing my kids did this week:
Michaela Byrd decided to be really really whiny before MOPS started on Thursday morning. I was supposed to be greeting other moms as they came in the front doors, but they were being greeted by a wailing, snotty 20 month old. She finally settled down when I took her back to childcare. Turns out, she wanted to go to her class!
Cutest thing my kids did this week?
Natalie asked if she could watch Aladdin when I left the girls with T to go to the gym this afternoon. The girls were snuggling together under a blanket on my blue arm chair when I left. Natalie had her arm around her little sister, and they looked so sweet. I wonder how long they stayed like that before one of them kicked or shoved the other one.
Best links of the week:
Kate's front porch
Ideas for Mod Podge at Xazmin's This is the Year
31 Days to a Better Dressed Nest over at The Nesting Place
Finally, please don't forget:If you didn't have a chance to stop by the first two times, this is a party for bloggers to link up with any challenges they have in or around their homes (decorating, crafts, organizing, gardening, construction). Your dilemma can be anything from "Help! How can I accessorize my new IKEA bookshelf " to "I'd like some ideas for adding a few tasteful Halloween decorations without going over the top. " I also love it when people have great solutions to share. This party is all about being real and helping out our bloggy friends. We're going to have a blast. There will be another giveaway!
You can click here and here to see the entries from the last two parties. Hope to see you there!
{Have a wonderful weekend, my wonderful readers!}
yay for power hour!! i had a really good time in there today. probably my fave class so far. it went sooo fast! i LOVE that instructor and that guy is so nice. he never feels weird being the only guy in there. i'm so glad you came!
ReplyDeleteI'm exhausted, so I'm probably going to sleep a lot this weekend! But I SO agree with you on Grey's Anatomy...I'm getting sick of Desperate Housewives, too. SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did...Happy Saturday Sharefest!
ReplyDeleteTatoo You
I used to go to a water aerobics class before my husband worked nights...I loved it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for spotlighting me...you're the best!
Did you see I'm having a giveaway?
I love a little peek into the life of the girl behind the blog. :)
ReplyDeleteYour party sounds like so much fun. I can't wait to check it out!
Sounds like a pretty great week! Your girls are just adorable, and I can't to find out if ya find that winter dress coat!:-)
ReplyDeleteVery cute blog! Thanks for entering my giveaway being hosted by Karla! I am now following your blog too!
Bella's Bowtique
What a great week, loved visiting over here :)!
ReplyDeleteAmanda, thanks so much for stopping by my blog last week on my SITS feature day!