Monday, October 5, 2009

Verbal Sunshine

"A compliment is verbal sunshine."
-Robert Orben

I had a few extra minutes to get ready for church on Sunday morning, and I took some extra time with my hair.

My outfit wasn't anything outstanding...just a cute pair of black legging tights, paired with a three-quarter length sleeved gray dress and black flats.

My heart just about melted as I was helping Natalie put on her shoes.

"Mommy, you look Vanstatic." she said enthusiastically.

I paused for a moment before breaking into a huge grin. "You mean "Fantastic'?"

"Yes," she nodded. " pretty!"

This is one of the greatest blessings of having children.

They love me unconditionally, no matter how bad my hair looks, how much make-up I put on, or even if I've shrieked at them for coloring on the white table with pink marker.

No matter how much I resemble this:

image: Google

They make me feel like this:
Image: Google

That is a blessing.

"Verbal sunshine" can really make your day!

Hope your week is off to a great start!

{Don't forget that the Decorating Dilemmas party will go up tomorrow (Tuesday) night after 10 pm (EST) and will go on all day Wednesday! There's gonna be a priiiiiiiiize!}

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  1. Stopping over from SITS to say hello! I'm with you, a little "verbal sunshine" is a blessing! : )

  2. Awww so sweet! I love that phrase - "verbal sunshine." You made my Monday off to a good start!

  3. Awww, how precious.....she scored some brownie points, no less!! ;)
    And you ARE very pretty!!! :)


  4. That is sooo sweet! Me and my mis-matched pjs could use a little verbal sunshine this morning!

  5. That's sweet! Little ones are such a blessing!


  6. So, so sweet!!! Hope you have a wonderful Monday!:-)

  7. Aww, that just warms my heart :)

  8. you really did look cute yesterday! i loved your dress:o)

  9. I connected to your blog through another blog.

    I really liked your quote at the top about a verbal compliment. Sunshine....

    That's a great thought.

  10. Aww, that's vantastic :0)

    I bet you looked like a hotty hott hott though!

  11. Lovely. Thanks for sharing and the smile it put on my face!

  12. I love it! But where's the picture of you?


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