Tuesday, November 3, 2009

27 Days of Thankful, #3

Day #3 of my 27 Days of Thankful project. Click on the link to find out what's going on here each day in November until Thanksgiving Day.

One of my brother-in-laws brought a pie on Sunday night when he came to dinner at our house.
Need I say more?

Today, I am thankful for thoughtful family members...and pie.

{What are you thankful for today?}

If you link up below with your own thankful thoughts, please be sure to include a link to this post so that your readers can find the party later today. Thanks!

*Come back tonight after 10pm (ET) for the 4th Decorating Dilemmas Party!*

This is all about bloggers encouraging and helping each other out. Basically, if you have something in or around your home that you'd like some feedback on, link it up here. Take a quick tour of your home. I bet you have something laying around that you haven't worked on because you just weren't quite sure what you wanted to do with it. Please also feel free to link up your solutions! There will be a Giveaway for participants, as usual. (I know another blogger recently started up an entire blog dedicated to the idea of offering suggestions and design solutions, but I hope y'all will stop by here too since I started the monthly party back in August.)

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  1. Oh, my gosh, I think I just gained a pound by looking at that pie. YUM!! If I could eat it off the screen, I would.

    (Looks like CommentLuv is working for you again. I wonder why it was being so finicky the other day?)

  2. Yum, that pie looks good! But yes, thoughtful family members are a great blessing!

  3. Hey, Amanda thanks for the sweet comments on my cupcake invitations!
    I am thankful because God is always with me!

  4. Oooh, pie! That looks so delish. I would so be grateful to my brother too if he brought me pie like that. You're very blessed to have a wonderful bro. Nice to meet you via SITS! :-D

  5. Mmmm...that looks Yummay!

    I may miss the party again tomorrow...my dilemma is that since I've been so sick...my house is a DISASTER!

    I'll try to make it though!

    4 more days!!!


    I am thankful for my live :) What is greater than that??

    :) Have a happy week my friend! xo

  7. Hi Amanda!

    I'm thankful for my sweet puppy dog. She's just as happy to see me if I'm gone for 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 5 days. She loves me regardless of bad hair days, "fat" days, or morning breath :) And she's the best cuddler ever!!

  8. It is a great idea to take a step back and let someone offer decorating solutions for tricky areas!

  9. Oh my! That pie looks amazing!!! Seriously drooling over here! What kind is it?

  10. yum, I'm thankful that I'm eating a NYC bagel, courtesy of my freezer.

  11. Mmmmm pie!!!! Looks yummy. I'll be joining the party as long as I take my pictures tonight but I do still have your button for the party up on my blog!

  12. What a great idea to do 27 days of thankful on your blog. Love it! Hey, would you ever want to guest post at somedaycrafts? You have such fun stuff all the time? It might get you a few more followers and viewers. Let me know at michellejohnnie@gmail.com Thanks!!!

  13. I'm thankful right now that my hubby is going to be grilling the chicken I have been marinading for two days and have dinner ready by the time I get home from work! Yee-haw...great marinade by the way..

    Lab-Tested Anti-Cancer Marinade for Your Favorite Grilled Meat (i use chicken)

    1/2 cup packed brown sugar
    6 Tbs. olive oil
    4 Tbs. cider vinegar
    3 medium cloves garlic, crushed
    3 Tbs. grainy mustard
    4 Tbs. lemon juice
    1 1/2 tsps. salt

    Mix all in a large bowl or plastic bag with a zipper. Add the meat of your choice; coat all sides.

    Marinate 5-10 minutes. (You may soak longer to intensify flavors, but tests show longer marination does not increase anti-cancer activity.) Remove meat from marinade and grill.

  14. wow that pie looks good! I will see if I have something to share for the decorating dilemmas party, I have not done anything to my bedroom yet from the suggestions from that last time. (although I did get some great suggestions!) I have been working in other areas of my house instead.

  15. What a great idea! I am very thankful for great friends like you!! Sorry I have not visited in a while...I know you have seen what we have been up to. :) Eventually my life will get back in order and I will be by more often again. Always love to hear from you, thank you for being such a great friend with sweet thoughts you leave me. :) They make me smile and bring happiness to my life...thank you!

    Hugs and love friend!

  16. Today I am thankful that I have a job with flexible hours.

    Thanks for hosting this - I truly look forward to it everyday!

    I don't know know yet if I will make it to the decorating dilemma's party. I do have a dilemma but I don't think I have enough time to get a post together...


  17. Today, I'm thankful for sunny, bright blue skies - for 3 days in a row now!!

  18. Good morning. I am thankful for the finally cooler weather here in FL and for my friends and fam and the good health of us all.

    Thanks SO much for coming by for my SITS day last week. I am still playing catch up!!!!!!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.