Friday, November 6, 2009

27 Days of Thankful, #6

This might be Day #6 of 27 Days of Thankful, but it's also my 300th post!!
I happened to look at my "Published" list late last night, and saw that yesterday's post was #299. I can't believe I've had 300 opportunities to share my thoughts with you all.

A few of my "real life friends" (meaning, the ones who don't blog!) have rolled their eyes and asked me, "How do you find the time to blog?" (read that with a nice, judgy tone)

I thought about it, and I think that for me, I make a little bit of time every night after the girls are in bed. If I didn't make the time to express myself in some little way, I think I'd be locked in a straight jacket by now!

I got used to pulling off last-minute English papers in college, including my final Senior research paper (and power point presentation/speech!) that had something to do with heroism in The Aeneid vs. Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde. My finest moment and yet not my finest moment. (I got an A.)

So writing a little post on Why I Love Toddlers or A Tutorial on Making an Embellished Burlap Table Runner is not as time consuming as one might think.

I really just needed some "Serenity Now!" and this is one way I find it! Thanks for sharing it with me.

Since I'm doing a Giveaway today for the Decorating Dilemmas Party, I think I'll save a celebration Giveaway for next month as a Christmas thing. I hope you'll check back in to see what's going on!

Today, I am thankful that I have a blog to get all my thoughts out so I don't go crazy. I bet my family is thankful for that too!

{What are you thankful for today?}

Link up at the bottom of this post, and please include a link back to me here at this post on your blog post!

Moving on...

The winner of the Thanksgiving issue of bon appétit is:

#8: Michigan Kate from The Gun Collector's Wife.

I drew randomly this time, adding an extra entry for Nadir, who added my button to her sidebar last month.

I think I'll take a break from the party next month, and may bring it back in January. Hope you will join me again!

Now it's time to link up your Thankful posts!

Have a wonderful weekend, lovelies!

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  1. Today I am thankful for a phone call from a friend, nothing in particular - just to chat!
    What a boring world it would be without friends!!

  2. Wow! Congratulations on 300 posts!
    I'm thankful that after an October that broke all records for rainfall, we've had an entire week of sun!

  3. Congrats on 300 posts! I know I would go crazy without a way to be in touch with people.

  4. Congrats on #300!! it's amazing how fast they build up isn't it? I haven't checked my number in a while...I should do that!!

    Funny, before I even read your post, I tweeted how much I'm LOVING my online friends and connections - blogging has opened up SO many great doors and relationships for me!


  5. I'm thankful you have a blog too! Otherwise I wouldn't have met you...and then what would I do? :)

  6. Woohooo! Yea, I'm so excited!

    Thanks for hosting this party every month, I'll be thinking about my next dilemma for January (I have tons of them, trust me).

    I sent you an email, but if you don't get it, leave me another comment.
    Thanks again!

  7. I love this post...because I feel the same way about blogging. I've only been at it for a couple of months but am loving it! It's a way to do some writing which I love, share ideas, be creative, and find so many other interesting ladies out there!! And after the kiddos go to bed is the perfect time to do it!!

  8. Happy blogging anniversary! It takes some dedication to post that many blogs.

  9. Congratulations on 300 posts! I hope you do bring the decorating dilemmas back in January and I hope I time to pull together a post for it before then!

    Today, I am thankful for rain and sunshine because I saw two different beautiful rainbows while I was driving to and from appointments for work and they made me smile.

  10. Happy #300, my friend! Wow...that is a whole heck of alot of posts, go!

    BTW, I am LOVING the pic of your calves in those skinny jeans. Cute, cute, cute. Next time I will need a full body shot. I am slowly, but surely building up the courage to rock me some skinny jeans...with an appropriately long top, of course!


  11. Congrats on your 300th post!!

    I'm thankful that my hangover isn't as bad as it should be. I was a bad girl last night!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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