Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Thrifty Find (And 27 Days of Thankful #22)

If you have children or if you were ever a child then you know how difficult it is for them to give up a toy.

Even if it was a pink plastic Barbie compact from a McDonald's Happy Meal that laid forgotten at the bottom of the toy box for 3 months.

With Christmas coming, the T house is about to be inundated with another truckload of toys. I wanted to stay ahead of the game this year, so I've been practicing my stealthy moves.

Last week, when the girls were napping, I raided their toy box and canvas toy bins and chucked a whole lot of STUFF into two big bags and a box. I crept out the front door and hid the loot in the back of my car, and they were none the wiser.

On Friday morning, T stayed home with Natalie to watch Mulan for the 856th time, and I loaded Michaela Byrd up to make a donation to the Salvation Army. Of course, no one was working in the back, so I had to unload a fidgety toddler and haul her past an open case of ceramic cows to get someone at the front desk to sign my donation slip.

As I waited in line, singing every verse to "Old MacDonald's Farm" that I could think of, my eyes wandered across the store and I spotted this gem:

I breathed a quick prayer that the woman browsing that section would overlook my find and continue inspecting the 40 year old Tupperware she picked up.

The Thrift gods smiled on me, and I run-walked across the store as soon as my slip was signed, trying to look nonchalant, but I am sure I had the gleam of a good bargain in my eye. Once the apothecary jar was in my hands, I had to figure out a way to hold onto it and my toddler. It was like Sophie's Choice, I tell you.

I did a happy dance out of the store, after having paid only $1.50 for my new apothecary jar. It's the largest one I own now (I showed Michaela Byrd's hand so you could see how big it is), and I can't wait to fill it with pretties for Christmas. I love it when I happen upon items on my "wish list" when I'm not really even looking for them!

Do you use apothecaries in holiday decorating?

It's Day #22 of 27 Days of Thankful. Click the link to find out what's going on here every day in November until Thanksgiving Day.

Today, I am thankful for unexpected thrifty finds.

{What are you thankful for today?}
If you link up, please include a link back to this post. Thanks!

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  1. Visiting from sits. Thought I would let you know I am thank for my family. Without them I would not be complete. They are the sunshine in my life.

    I am also thankful for sweatpants at the moment. It is a rainy, cold day in Texas and sweatpants have been a true blessing.

  2. Would you believe I don't have a SINGLE APOTHECARY JAR??? I just don't see them around here (Silicon Valley) - but I want one. Or ten.

  3. You are too funny. I don't have an apothecary jar, but want one for $1.50 like you got!


  4. I have plenty of hurricanes but NO apothecary jars...I keep saying I want some and I am going to get some, but I KNOW I would have one if i found one for $1.50!!!!!!!! Way to go, girl! What are you planning to fill it with?


  5. Girl I feel your pain! I went there the other day with 3 kids and 4 bags of clothes! a middle aged lady alone with 1 bag of items not only pulled into the ONLY front parking spot but then the guy working brought her out a cart for her ONE bag while i lugged 4 basgs and 3 kids across the parking lot...grrrrr

    but as for finding great finds at the thrift store I HEART the trift store

  6. Awesome find! I love apothecary jars! Can't wait to see what you decide to fill it with :)

  7. Come to think of it, I don't own a single apothocary jar. That just isn't right. Loves your new one and the price you paid is incredible. I would fill it with antique Christmas balls.

  8. So JEALOUS! I can never find one of those at the thrift stores around here...and that one is FABULOUS! Yay you!

  9. Love your great find! Love your 27 days of thankful. I've been doing a thankful countdown on FB. You inspired me! Thanks!

  10. I am so darn jealous!! I have been scouring the stores and online for these bad boys for our candy buffet at our wedding!!! JEALOUS :) but in other news I added you to my blog roll! Whew so glad :) xo

  11. I love coming here! You make me laugh OUT LOUD!

    Awesome steal on the apoth. jar!



I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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