Monday, February 8, 2010

Pottery Barn Inspired Kids' Table Makeover

I really love Pottery Barn's style, but I really don't love their prices.

This was my inspiration:

A sweet little table in the Addition for my girls to scatter their crayons on and fight over Polly Pockets share some special moments.

I was very patient, and one day I stumbled across perfection at Salvation Army's "Make a Deal Saturday."

Well, I know it doesn't look like perfection here, but I had a plan! I haggled the manager down to $10 for the whole set and managed to fit it in the back of my Trailblazer along with a double stroller.

Yeah, okay, it was pretty bad.

I started by cleaning it and slathering about 5 coats of primer on top. That dark stuff is hard to cover up! 

Then the set received several coats of the white paint that we used on the trim and baseboards in the Addition. Already had it on hand, so it was FREE!

My friend Andrea (the sewing guru who helped me with my other Salvation Army furniture makeover) helped me measure and cut new foam and fabric for the cushions because, y'all, those things were nasty!! Orangey old moldy corduroy that was way past its prime.  

Final product:

I think the clients were pleased!

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Linking to Kimba's weekly DIY Day and Holly's Pottery Barn Knock-Off Party over at Homebody.

{Hope your week is off to a great start!}


  1. GREAT job, Miss Amanda! It looks just perfect. Yours is better because look at those little angelic clients sitting there! It's probably a sturdy old thing that you brought back to life. Love the fabric on the seat cushions.

    I'm impressed!!! Donna

  2. Great job!! I love the white paint and the cute fabric you used for the cushions. Your girls are going to have so much fun using this cute set. A++++ project!!

  3. Great Job Amanda!!! I love it. Wow, you sure did score with those pieces! $10. wow. Why can't I ever get deals like that? I think the project came out great. I love PB too and I too don't like the prices. I love seeing everyone's knock off versions.


  4. Way to go! So super cute, and your girls will get so much use out of it! My daughter is 7 and is still using hers. Great price tag too!

  5. So adorable! The table and chairs look wonderful. I'm so impressed that you made cushions! The girls look like they're sharing a lovely moment there. :)

  6. Oh my gosh you did such a great job, it turned out so cute!

  7. So darn cute! Way to go! I'm totally kicking myself for passing on a similar set a couple of months ago. I didn't think I had space for it, but since then my girls have carved out a little spot in a hallway as their coloring area and I've realized a little table and chair set would fit there perfectly. Hmmm, wondering if that set is still available...

  8. It's so cute! I love the fabric you picked for the cusions!

  9. Wow, what a difference!!

  10. Those look fantastic! Shows you what some paint and hardwork can do :)

  11. What a great find! That is too cute and being the fabric junkie that I am, I am lovin' the blue/green paisley! TOO CUTE!

    I can't wait 'til Wednesday! I have another dilemma!

  12. You did an AMAZING job!! I adore the chair pads!!

  13. Amanda! Your blog looks GREAT! And it loaded in no time flat--no problems at all! And just look at that darling psychedelic butterfly--that is fun and pretty. Good for you! So cool!

  14. The entire set turned out adorable. Amazing what some paint, cute fabric, and some elbow grease will do for ya!

  15. i LOVE the updated page look. so chic.

  16. oh my gosh it turned out SOOO cute! and "make a deal saturday" sounds like my idea of heaven!!

  17. awesome price....the girls look thrilled

  18. AWWW!! This is so cute! 10 times better than Pottery Barn.

  19. I think it looks amazing - well worth all the primer it took. I epecially love that beautiful fabric you used!

  20. What a fantastic second life for this little set! I know it's going to get lots of use in your house, and I LOVE the fabric you chose. Great job!

  21. Love it! It looks better that the Pottery Barn one!


  22. SO cute! I actually like it better than the PB table. It has more character and such a whimsical quality!


  23. It looks great! I really love the little cushions. Such a great fabric. And the girls look very pleased too.

  24. Amanda this is just adorable! You did a great job! Love your new look btw:-)

  25. Amazing makeover! The white really updated them, and I love the cushions. The fabric is adorable, and I love the ribbon ties. Thanks for sharing!

  26. It's amazing what a coat of white paint will do! I have two small table sets for my daughter and I have been debating on the color. I think I know what to do. Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. The table looks fantastic. What a great little table for the kids to enjoy.


  28. OK, I love this. I would have picked out the chair pad fabric for myself! Looks adorable, and you've got some happy kids there. :)

  29. That is fabulous Amanda!! Loving your new blog design too! :)

  30. SO adorable! What a great place for them to play!!!

  31. You're my kind of woman. Always looking for a bargain and then asking for more (you go girl). The finished product is beautiful. Lots of little girl memories will be made at that table ;)

  32. I have to tell you... I think your set is even BETTER than the Pottery Barn version! You did a great job and I LOVE the barrel back chairs. You have a the CUTEST little girls! Thanks for your Blog!

  33. Very fum=n!!! you did an awsome job!!

  34. Seriously swooning with your white painted set and fabric choice. LOVE with pink puffy hearts this transformation. Gorgeous !!!

  35. totally drooling over that fabric! what an awesome playset!

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  36. So stinkin' adorable! I'm totally in love with it!

  37. So cute! I love the paisley seat cushions too.

  38. Wow! Love this! Now I'll be on the hunt for a little table and chairs set for my niece!

  39. Bee-U-Tea-full! ;) Lovely ladies will have much fun on that lovely lovely table and chairs you have masterfully redone! ;)
    Just Jenn~

  40. Who knew you could bargain at the Salvation Army?! The set is lovely. I especially love the fabric you used on the cushions.

  41. OMG I have the same table set -it's a hand me down from my Mom's friend. I have got to paint it now!

  42. Love the makeover. You captured the spirit and made it your own. I love the fabric you chose for the cushions and I also love your chairs more than the PB ones.

    I'm sure your littles are loving their new table and chairs.

  43. Hi Amanda, thanks for visiting my blog! I've been a lurker here before and especially like your Decorating Dilemmas Party (busy body me, couldn't resist giving your linkers my opinion!). The table is cute - it's hard to find sturdy wooden sets. The girls look happy, break out the Pollys!

  44. Very cute and the girls look so pleased.

  45. You did good! And you will really make out better in the long run because they don't make furniture like they used to.


  46. Great Job and Great Price! Love it!!

  47. Okay, I was sure I commented on this last week, but maybe it was an email I sent you!
    Anyway, you know I think this is fabulous!
    Thanks for coming to my party :)

  48. It looks like a million bucks! I can't believe that set was only $10. It is fabulous!

  49. Oh-So-Cute! I especially love the fabric on the chair cushions. And the "clients" do indeed look VERY happy. Great job!

  50. Wow, that looks great--better than PB!!

  51. That is adorable, and so are your girls! Great job!

  52. Great job!! It turned out beautiful! You really lucked out on that find. I wish I could be so lucky (:

  53. absolutely love it! amazing what some paint will do, right?? I also LOVE the amount of money you saved by not caving into pottery barn :)


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