Saturday, June 5, 2010

Stop and Shop

One of my favorite things as a teen (and, who are we adult too) was going shopping on Saturdays. It's a little more difficult to get some good shopping time in with the kiddos, so I like to make it easy on myself sometimes and browse a few fab internet shops. I did the dirty work for you and rounded up a few of my favorite finds from my sponsors. 

Who's ready for a little Saturday shopping?

The Crafty Girls have all of their Oz fabrics on sale for 10% off until June 30th. Their site is also currently advertising a free pattern with any precut purchase. Sounds like a crafty deal to me!

J'adore these Smooth Sea-Glass Colored earrings. They'd be cute for an evening out or a trip to Target!

This hand-stamped necklace featuring a sterling silver filigree bird "soared" right into my heart! Cuteness!!

How much fun is this pair of little vintage acrylic owl earrings? RJ is offering FREE shipping to the US right now!

Gina sold out of her new French script pillows (get 'em while they're hot, folks!) before I could nab an image, so I'll share this gorgeous printed muslin ribbon with you today. I can envision some neat crafty projects with this!

*Are you interesting in advertising your blog, shop, or small business here at Serenity Now? Email me or visit my Advertising Page for details. You'll get a lot of exposure here for not a lot of money!*

Stop by tomorrow for your Dishing It! party topic for next week!

{Happy Shopping!}post signature


  1. I like that soar necklace...way too cute!! I do almost all of my shopping online. It's too much of a headache to tow my 3 kidlets along to stores. Great idea :)


  2. I love the Paris fabric and would love to see it in a pillow. Also love the soar necklace how cute!

  3. Hey are you?

    Love the little owl earrings. So cute. I'm pretty sure I had something like that when I was little. Why oh why didn't I hang on to stuff like that. Hope you are having a nice weekend:)


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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