I took the girls into Wal-Mart a few weekends ago because there was rumor that a Dora birthday party would be happening, and the site made it look like there would be a costumed Dora and photo opp and everything. It ended up being a surly Wal-Mart employee passing out coupons for the WM photo center and some frozen cupcakes.
I'm not sure what I was expecting. It was Wal-Mart on a Saturday, after all.
So, anyways, the party lady was a good half an hour behind schedule, and to keep the girls occupied while we waited with 40 other party-crazed toddlers, I walked them up and down the toy aisle.
My mistake.
We ended up coming home with two new Ken outfits, because they were the cheapest thing on the Barbie aisle that I could find, which is a shame because if you've seen Toy Story 3, you know Ken is something of a clotheshorse himself and I'm sure he feels like his wardrobe ought to qualify for the same priceline as Barbie's.
Natalie chose a dazzling wedding tuxedo, which she promptly begged me to stuff my old 1980s Ken into.
I think he looks like some sort of Vegas wedding chapel singer, and I'm not sure why he's posing with twins. At any rate, this is a G-rated sort of Vegas in Natalie's room, and you all know that Ken's rubbery legs make it awfully hard to get those clothes off again, so we really don't need to worry about him and the twins.
As I watched Natalie, Ken, and a half-clothed Barbie romp around the room, I thought that there was something vaguely familiar about Ken's new get-up. It took me a moment to realize that he reminded me very much of the old Patrick Swayze/Chris Farley "Chippendales" skit on SNL. This was the only video online I could find to embed, and it cuts off some of the end, but it's still pretty funny.
Patrick Swayze - Chippendale
Uploaded by tressage. - Click for more funny videos.
I hope that poor Ken is never forced into a dance-off with Sponge Bob. I don't know how that would turn out.
But it would be fun to watch.

Laugh Out Loud FUNNY!
ReplyDeleteThanks, it made my day!!
LOL, it's always so funny to see kids do things that adults see in a whole different light.
ReplyDeleteoh too funny!! I remember that skit from SNL -loved it! We just bought those ballerina barbies for bday presents-but no Ken in his fancy tux :)
ReplyDeleteHow funny! And I think Ken would kick butt in that contest!
ReplyDeleteWhat a funny post! I love this SNL skit. It's sad to think that both Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze have died. They were both very talented men! :( Sorry to be so morbid... geez. anyhow, amanda had a great laugh to start my day :)
ReplyDeleteToo too funny! You crack me up, woman!
ReplyDeleteKen's outfit is very chippendale's, yes it is. And with that cheesy grin on his plastic face, I'm afraid he would win a dance contest with sponge Bob, hands down!
Hilarious Amanda!!
ReplyDeleteThat is sheer awesomeness. Poor Ken. I fell so bad for him, you know, with Barbie dumping him and all,plus the lack of genitalia. He was one of the absolute highlights of TS3 for me.
ReplyDeleteThat is hilarious! I really like the pink tux too:)
ReplyDeleteYou are so funny. Thank you for making me laugh!
ReplyDeleteGotta tell you, though. My money's on SpongeBob for the dance-off.
Poor Ken. He's so dorky. Thanks for the laugh today! :D
ReplyDeleteThat is one of my favorite Sat Nite Live skits EVER !! That and Will Farrell's "strategery" crack me up.
ReplyDeleteAnd I wanna see Sponge Bob spar with Ken.
LOL -You have me rolling. I love that SNL skit!
ReplyDeleteThis is hiliarous! Have you checked out the bigger (6 and up) kids clothes this year. Yep thats why I'm sticking with homemade clothes. ha!
ReplyDeleteOH my! That is HILARIOUS! And I love that that was your Ken. My daughter has my old NKOTB dolls... except I cut off poor Danny's rattail at some point, so he has some weird little hair point at the base of his neck!
ReplyDeleteThat is hysterical and one of my favorite SNL clips!! I love Chris Farley! Sooo funny!
ReplyDeleteThis is soo funny! Thanks for the laugh!
ReplyDeleteBwahaha! That was awesome. LOVE me some Patrick Swazey...and CF is hilarious too!
ReplyDeleteI think Ken has some big shoes to fill!
I miss you! Thanks for being so patient with me in my absence!
Bahahaha! I love that old clip of Patrick Swayze.
ReplyDeleteCould you hear me laughing all the way from my 'burg to your 'burg? That was hilarious!!! I never had a Ken doll, my barbie had to date GI Joe!
ReplyDeleteDiet Dr. Pepper and that Chippendales SNL trip down memory lane before 9 am...it's going to be a great day!
ReplyDeletePS. Found you via Hooked on Houses!
Haha! Too funny!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh. Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to have kids. For moments like this. :)
(And other reasons, too. Clearly.)
This is hilarious! You have such a great sense of humor! I never did like playing with Barbies, so I'm actually thankful that we only have monster trucks in this house......for now. Someday I hope to add those disproportionate plastic people to my collection of toy box clutter.