Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

On Monday, I mentioned that possibly the only thing more beautiful than a new microwave would be the return to Preschool. I have to say, it's still a close call because Natalie was so eager to get to her new friends that this was the only classroom shot I got:

Don't worry...I was sure to take some Before shots, which blog readers seem to love. It was a great day, complete with Natalie meeting one of her classmates (also a Sunday School friend from our church) in the parking lot and walking up to the school hand in hand.

Recognize her Hairbow?

Of course little sis has to be included!

In case you think Michaela Byrd was bored out of her mind while Natalie got to hang at school, I took her for a date (and a donut!) at a local coffee shop. We also got some shopping for 3 (!!) birthday parties that we're attending this weekend.
A good morning for us all. Busy day today with Day 2 of Preschool, Ballet, and nursery duty at church tonight (not so excited about that last part, but I guess that's why it's called "duty," right??).

Happy Wednesday! Hope you're getting a post ready for Weekend Bloggy Reading on Friday!
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  1. What cuties you have!!! My oldest is in pre-K this year and it's his first year. He LOVES it. Me and the little sis over here went out for lunch to celebrate some never before had girl only time. It's been a great start over here and I wish you a wonderful school year!

  2. Oh how cute they are! You are a busy mom. I love the way your daughter looks up to her big sis, that is so cute!

  3. Oh! What a cutie girl! Love the saddle shoes. Glad everyone had a good day.

  4. Adorable! I love how you dress her up for the first mom used to do that to me in elementary school. Just hope it doesn't come home smeared with tempera paint!
    May I ask what church you go to? I grew up going to Wednesday night church, but even our conservative fellowship is starting to get away from that. I must admit, I don't miss it!

  5. Love the saddle shoes! I hope she had a great first day.

  6. You always dress your girls so cute and appropriate to the event! How cute are those saddle shoes, I remember having pink ones way back when. Hope you're enjoying a little downtime w. only 1 in the house.

  7. Dang, Amanda, those girls are so adorable. Every time I see photos of them, I'm taken aback at just how much they look like you. It's amazing!

    I'm so glad preschool has started and that all is going well. Will you be doing your 007 routine to get to ballet again? :)

  8. They are so adorable. I love the new shoes and little dresses. They look like perfect angels!

  9. hope she had a great first day! she looks adorable!

  10. Oh I remember being a little girl and dressing just like your little Natalie. Dresses, shoes and hair bow. Oh to be little and cute again.

    Glad to hear Pre-K is going good.

    your friend,

  11. I am so in love with those little saddle oxfords I can hardly stand it! The picture with Natalie holding hands with her friend is sooo sweet! My E is feeling left out not going to school. Maybe I ought to take her out for a donut! Sounds delicious!

  12. You have the cutest little girls! What a busy weekend ahead- 3 birthday parties?! Yikes!

  13. Oh my goodness - just precious. My daughter started fifth grade; I can't even believe it. Apparently I was REALLY in denial because SHE had to remind ME to take the first day of school pics!

  14. They are adorable!!!!! It sounds like the first day of Pre-school went very well. I love that you and the "little sister" had a date while she was at school. That really helps the younger ones to deal with the transition. Our 2 yr old misses his big brother like crazy while he is at school.

    I love her first day of school pretty! Just like her mama!

  15. I love Natalie's first day of pre-school dress. It's great that she was so excited to be at school. Wouldn't you have hated it if she cried and didn't want to go into the building? MB looks like she enjoyed her one on one time with you at the donut shop.

    It's officially fall now that pre-school is in session!

  16. Isn't it nice to spend some alone time with your other child while the oldest is away at preschool? Even though Carter doesn't really talk much, it's nice to just focus on him for a couple of hours. Even if he does take a nap the whole time, which means complete quiet in the house. Muuuwwahhahah!! Have a great day, girl!


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