Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Honey, We're Home

I love blogging because it has introduced me to people I would have otherwise never had the chance to meet. I am generally a nosy person, so being able to peak into other people's lives is a real thrill for me. Most bloggers are kind, gracious, and fun.

My new friend Megan from the Honey We're Home blog is no exception. Since discovering her blog, I have found myself insanely jealous overwhelmingly awestruck by her sophisticated style. Megan knew that this week is crazier than normal for me and kindly agreed to share one of her fabulous projects here today. Take it away, Megan!
Hi all, I am so thrilled to be guest posting (my first one!) at Serenity Now today.

Amanda has been a great inspiration to me as a blogger and mommy.  She is so funny and honest and the best at sharing her real life with us all. And the funny thing is, after Amanda asked me to do this post, I thought back and realized that I found her blog last year through her guest post about Black Friday over at Centsational Girl!! Wild, huh?!

So, here goes:  I’m a new mom to the cutest baby in town

and recently left my job as a lawyer to be a stay-at-home mom.  My blog was born when I started sharing our home building process and now that we’re all moved in, the decorating process, as well.

I just finished a special project in anticipation of this guest post:  I lined the back of the built-in bookshelves in our master sitting room with fabric, using starch. {I first heard of this when I saw Crea8tive Designs’ pantry}.

Our sitting room is just off the bedroom and the bookshelves are on the far right wall

A nice feature, for sure, but kind of bland as-is.  So, I started by scouring the fabric stores and found the perfect pretty floral print.  *swoon*

I decided to paint the back and sides of the bookcase a shade darker than the room to give the fabric a nice color to sit next to.  Rumor has it that after the fabric is applied, it is easily removable without damaging the walls.  If I ever tire of the fabric, the entire bookcase is already painted.

The most challenging part of this project was cutting the fabric to the exact width and length of the walls. I realized my bookshelves were the same height, but the one on the left was considerably wider. I cut my fabric into one giant piece before affixing the top corners to the wall with command strips.

Then I used Sta-Flo liquid fabric starch and a kitchen sponge to apply the starch directly on top of my fabric, really saturating it as I went. I used a wallpaper straightener to stretch the fabric to the end of the shelves.

Even though I didn’t encounter any air bubbles while applying, be sure to smooth the fabric down with the straightener because the next day I did have a few.

Then I simply inserted the shelves back in (using one less than was there before to make room for some large photos I wanted to display).

I still need to accessorize the shelves, but here is a sneak peek:

Amanda, thanks so much for inviting me into your world for a day! It’s been my pleasure.

Thank you, Megan, for sharing your project with us! I hope you all will leave Megan some comment love, and please be sure to check out Honey We're Home. Megan's style doesn't disappoint.

Come back tomorrow for a lovely Giveaway from Ribbon Blossoms!

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  1. Great post and great guest blogger! I think I will be using this idea!!!!

  2. That really looks gorgeous - well worth the effort!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh my goodness, that's gorgeous! Love it!

  5. I love what you did with the bookshelves!!! It looks so gorgeous and very classy. The fabric you chose is definite swoon material, I agree!! I have used this technique myself...several years lesson learned is that it works best on smooth it on a textured wall.

    So great to meet you through your guest post!

    I am excited about the guest post writer that posted at my blog today too. Mrs Joseph Wood stopped by to share some of her words of grace and wisdom.

    Well...I am headed over to your blog to check things out! Again, a pleasure to meet you...and your baby is SO adorable!!!

  6. Wow Megan, you took my starch idea to the next level! I love the fabric you choose and the tutorial you gave, simply stunning. Amanda is the sweetest and one of the most thoughtful bloggers, lucky you to guest post, what an honor.

  7. Yay Megan! I love what you did with the fabric. And congrats on your first guest post!! xo

  8. Amanda- hope you're having a great day. Thanks for all the sweet comments folks- it's great to meet y'all!

  9. What a great idea! We have shelves in our playroom and I've been wanting to change up the backs but I really don't want to paint them...this maybe the perfect solution for me!

  10. Excellent and inspiring guest post. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Love Megan and love these bookshelves!!! You made it look easy, Megan---I'm racking my mind trying to figure out if I have a place to try this. Great guest post! :)

  12. Love the bookshelves! Amanda thanks for the introduction to a new fabulous blog!

  13. Looks lovely!

    I did something similar with even less work---I wrapped the fabric around foam core board and secured it in the back with tape. No mess. If I want to remove it to change the fabric I just take the shelves out and remove the foam core board.

  14. That looks amazing! I heard about this several years ago on HGTV, but have never tried it. I loathe wallpaper, but this looks GREAT! Hmmmmm. I wonder if I have the patience to try it? Looks GREAT! Fabulous guest post Amanda!! Thanks for the introduction!

  15. Excellent tutorial! I'm planning on doing this to one wall in my entry way (haven't broken the news to hubs yet ;) ). It's always reassuring to see it work for someone else.

  16. Congrats Megan! I love how the bookcases turned out. Of course, I love everything you do!! James is so adorable.

  17. The bookshelves themselves are making me swoon. Thanks for introducing us to a new blogger. Love that.

  18. The bookcases are fabulous!! Love the fabric!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  19. Gah I just love it when bookshelves are molded in already! Gorgeous!

  20. Great guest post. I love the use of grey and white and the print is to die for!

  21. This is gorgeous!! such a fun room too!!

  22. Really useful write-up. And furthermore I mean it all

  23. Definitely simple to comprehend info. Cheers!

  24. Many thanks for taking the time to create a real useful blog page, it's already been worthwhile.


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