"The best laid plans of mice and men
Often go awry."
-Robert Burns
Burns certainly knew what he was talking about...I don't suppose there's much difference between the scheming we do in 2010 versus our ancestors in the 18th century.
I've been doing a lot of scheming this month. Plans for making Christmas gifts, baking, shopping, partying, blogging, and more. My latest plan was to make it to the last MOPS meeting of the year yesterday, drop my kids in the nursery, and sit and enjoy some fellowship time (and brunch!) with some other moms.
Then it snowed.
In my area of Virginia, we have a lot of "transplants" from other parts of the country. Possibly other parts of the country that are not accustomed to seeing snow. The appearance of cold white stuff on the roads and streets is enough to cause panic, grocery runs, and cars plowing into mailboxes. I was disappointed that my MOPS meeting was cancelled, but not particularly motivated to venture out onto the streets and risking the lives of my children to make it to Target.
So we stayed home, ate the donut holes I'd meant to take to the meeting, and watched several Christmas movies. Even the dogs cuddled up with us.
Adding a mocha into the mix made it even better.
I wonder sometimes about Mary. About what her plans were before she found out she'd be carrying the Son of God. I suppose that God's plan for us is even better than what we'd hoped for, right?
Instead of wondering if my readers have all gone on vacation, what I should write about next, when I'll make that last shopping trip, how I'll get those cookies baked, I think I'll refocus--make sure I'm enjoying this next week or so of holiday bliss with my family. I have some fun things scheduled to share with you next week, but I won't be worrying about how many comments come in, who linked up to what, if I need to find another advertiser, blah blah blah.
I'll take a cue from Mary and do my best to cherish what God has for us.
"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." -Luke 2:19
Linked to Imparting Grace

Beautifully said, Amanda!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post Amanda! It's so true that Lord's plans are so much better than our own. When we live for him with passion & live our lives with meaningful purpose; that's when he opens the store houses of heaven & pours His blessings out on us. I often wonder about my shop, "Will I make a sale this week?" "How many new fans do I have on my fb page or how many people 'heart' my Etsy shop" but I keep reminding myself that I do this out of passion not for money or prestige. I do it unto the Lord b/c He blessed me with a talent to use for His glory not my own. I'm donating some scarves I made to a shelter next week in that same spirit. Thank you for being so honest today. Lot's of love & stay warm! :-)
ReplyDeleteAmanda, that is a lovely post, we get so wrappe up in the fluff, we tend to forget the reason for the season. Enjoy your beautiful family, cuddle more often, drink more cocoa..your girls will grow so fast, so treasure this time.
Love your post! Enjoy your break and your family!!! I'll be taking next week or 2 off too.
ReplyDeleteThe kids and doggy's look so comfy snuggled together! Have a great holiday!!!
What a great post!
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays to all of you!!
Great post! I too have had a few disappointments this week with things not fitting perfectly into my plan for Christmas preparation. I have been running and running all over town. My house is a disaster, and I am exhausted! Last night, I fell over my dog gate and busted my knee on the tile pretty bad and bumped my noggin on the wall. Boy, those tears came pouring out! It wasn't so much about how much my knee was hurting (which it is and was) but once those tears started, I couldn't stop 'em. I woke up in pain last night and thought "Lord, I know you don't make bad things happen to us, but did you perhaps allow this to slow me down?" I think His answer is yes. So, I'm home; the kids are home from school early; and my house is going to slowly get back to normal. I might even put that knee up :)
ReplyDeleteAren't those cozy days of movie watching and snuggling the best?
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your Christmas week...we'll understand if we're not your main focus ;)
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!!
What a beautiful post, Amanda! Well said, friend. Well said indeed.
ReplyDeleteAnd just to let you know that you are loved by really cool people and by nerds (such as I) as well, I'll tell you what I thought when I read the first words of your post:
". . . gang aft agley."
You will know what I was thinking about, I know, although very few others would. I think that's one of the coolest things about you--you have universal appeal.
And now you must turn your attention to your dear family and enjoy them. God bless you all.
Love you for this post! Can I take your cue now that you're taking Mary's cue?? I really need to. One of my *favorite* scriptures...think of what she knew...and what she must have pondered in her quiet moments. Thanks, Amanda...
ReplyDeleteSuch sweet words. And what a great reminder it is to all of us! My family and I are really trying to focus on the true essence of Christmas this year. I love that thought: Wonder what Mary's plans were before she knew she was carrying Jesus. You're right- God sure does surprise us and have great plans for our lives, even if they're not the plans we expected. Enjoy the next week! (:
ReplyDeletethank you, amanda! i needed to hear that today:o)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post, Amanda. Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI hope that you are enjoying many special pre-Christmas moments with your sweet girls. I loved the pictures of them snuggled on the sofa with your sweet doggies. I'll bet that all four of them had a ball being at home all day.
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is a mocha? I'm a coffee shop dumb-dumb and have always wondered!
You've expressed this just perfectly. I can tell I'm going to like a post if it begins with a quotation from a Scottish poet!
ReplyDeleteWonder why we tend to FIGHT against the things we can't control? My prayer this Christmas is that the peace of Christ really will reign in my heart.
Thanks so much for linking to the party!