~You'll love the Before and After photos of Jessi's Deck Makeover.
~Sometimes Little Updates make a big difference! Check out this cute bathroom update at Domestic Fashionista.
~Kierste featured an adorable Tin Can Vase. Love!
~Cheryl keeps sharing so many neat projects, and I just have to keep linking to them! Check out her easy (and understandable!) Freezer Stencil Tutorial.
~Loads of crafty pictures and links with Craft/Sewing Room Inspiration over at Crafty Girls Workshop.
~Fun new blog alert! Visit University of Cookie if you want to learn some great techniques. Thanks to Jen for telling us about this cool site. If there's something fun going on in Blogland, Jen knows about it!
~Amanda's No-Sew Rosettes are fabulous.
~Kate proved that a little paint goes a long way with her Painted Laminate Transformation.
~Colorful Silhouettes- a tutorial from Jen over at Tatertots and Jello.
~Have you seen those chicken wire jewelry holders everyone is loving? I think this Wire Hairbow Holder from Mommy's Timeout is great!
~You have until Sunday at 5 pm (ET) to enter the "charming" RJ Charms Giveaway...the winner gets his/her choice of any charm necklace from the $10 and under section. Check this Etsy shop out; you won't be disappointed.
~The next Dishing It! party is coming up on May 5th! I'll post the party topic/questions on Sunday morning so that those of you who want to participate again can prepare your posts. You can check out the last party here. I'm hoping it will be another fun time to get to know more bloggers!
What plans do you have for this weekend?
Mimi's coming over tonight for a little pizza party and a Glee re-run (she doesn't have DVR, can you imagine?!--that was a joke). Tomorrow morning, my friend Christy and I are heading off to a few yard sales. I want to find something for my deck...hopefully we'll have some conquests to share with you on Sunday!
{Have a wonderful weekend!}