Disclaimer: Y'all know I love (love!) Fluffy Books, so please don't begin reading this post expecting me to do a hard sell on Abnormal Psychology or An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics. I spend enough of my day grasping a very thin thread of sanity that would most likely be snipped should I attempt to utilize too many more brain cells. There's enough seriousness on the news, in the papers, etc. If I'm going to take the time to read, I want to be entertained.
Well, now that we got that off our collective chest, I will begin (I apologize for the small photos, but Blogger decided it would be fun to randomly crop off the bottom 3/4 of all my photos today and I've had to play around and resize)....
1. Mini Shopaholic, Sophie Kinsella
I won't give you excerpts from any more books because I don't love you enough to type them all out, but this book made the cut just for the following:
"A mother in J Brand skinny jeans with an impeccably dressed daughter walks past, giving me the Mummy Once-Over, and I flinch. Since I had Minnie, I've learned that the Mummy Once-Over is even more savage than the Manhattan Once-Over. In the Mummy Once-Over, they don't just assess and price your clothes to the nearest penny in one sweeping glance. Oh no. They also take in your child's clothes, pram brand, nappy bag, snack choice, and whether your child is smiling, snotty, or screaming. Which I know is a lot to take in, in a one-second glance, but believe me, mothers are multitaskers."
As far as chick lit goes, this is one of Kinsella's better stories in some time. Kinsella writes funny, quirky, likeable characters, and Becky Bloomwood is back in action as a mom with a serious shopping problem in this continuation of the Shopaholic series.
2. The Reluctant Entertainer, Sandy Coughlin
I purposefully waited until Blogland had quieted down about this release from blogger Sandy Coughlin. I wanted to forget about the hype before I picked the book up and decided for myself. I'm not quite through with it yet, but Sandy's straightforward advice on how to become comfortable with entertaining really hits home. Hint: It's not about you!!
3. The One Hundred, Nina Garcia
This one goes on my "To Read" list. I suppose it's as close to Project Runway as I will get, unless Heidi Klum decides she wants to be my BFF and invites me to hang with her, Nina, and Michael. PS. I bet that would be a delightfully snarky evening!
4. Nikon D3000 for Dummies
Another for my "To Read" list. I'm a little intimidated, which I suppose confirms and solidifies my "Dummie" status (Yes, I know I spelled it wrong. That's why I'm a dummie. Dangit, I did it again).
5. Me, Myself, and Lies, Jennifer Rothschild
This Bible study is billed as a "thought closet makeover," and I am so eager to begin it with some of the girls from my MOPS group. I'm guilty of self-destructive thoughts, and it's time to clean house!
I doubt I'll find the time to get through all of the books on my "To Read" list within the next month, though I'd like to try. This is, obvisouly, in addition to my rigorous course of reading Better Homes and Gardens and Southern Living when they arrive. Think my kids would notice if I just sat on the couch all day??
What about you?
{Do you have any great reads to recommend for this Winter? Do share in the comments!}
There's only one thing missing, and that's a delicious treat to munch on while you read. Come back tomorrow and I'll share a recipe with you!