Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Valentine's Tinsel Heart Wreath

All the Valentine's posts floating around Blogland lately have inspired me, and I decided to find a way to make an inexpensive, simple Valentine's wreath. Today, I'll show you how I made a little bling for my front door!

I picked up a 10 inch green "florist's" wreath form at The Dollar Tree last year and found the 15 foot tinsel garland on clearance after Christmas for $1.50. The wooden heart came from JoAnn Fabric (40% off!), and the ribbon was leftover from last year.

I started by pinning one end of the garland to the wreath form using a flat head pin I discovered on our bulletin board.

From there, I just wrapped the garland around and around the form, trying not to pull too tightly and snap or flatten the tinsel. Surprisingly, 15 feet was just long enough. If I had a larger wreath form, I'd need another garland.

I tucked the end of the garland under a piece that was already wound around and used my ribbon to attach the wooden heart to the top.

We have a most unfortunate looking metal front door. Blech. This means no hanging wreaths from pretty ribbon, but I managed to secure the ribbon to a plastic wreath hanger.

Despite the awful metal door, I was quite pleased with how simple this project was. The heart is easy to detach, so this wreath can be used again on the 4th of July and Christmas, of course.

{Have you added any Valentine's decor to your home yet?}

Linking to The CSI Project.
Visit thecsiproject.com


  1. Very cute and sparkley!!!

    I started putting up Valentine's decorations about a week ago! LOL I love decorating for each of the holidays! Especially with the Christmas decorations having come down it just makes the house a little cheerier around here. So I tend to get the Valentine's decor up pretty quick. I don't do a whole lot but fun touches here and there make me smile when I see them. :D

    Love your Valentine's Door Wreath! So easy and fun!!

    Building Home with Him,

    Mary Joy

  2. What a great use of red tinsel, Amanda! Your wreath is full and fun very blingy. So cheerful--just right for winter days!

    I decorated for every holiday when the boys were little. Then I stopped for awhile. Now I'm back to decorating a least a little bit for most holidays. I have just a few Valentine's things, but they're fun to pull out. I think this year I'm not going to get them out until after Blissdom, though!

  3. How cute and simple to do!! Love that you can change the heart and ribbon and use for diff holidays....depending on your favorite sports team you could put it out on game days....of course your teams color would have to have red in it!!!

  4. cute! love that you can use it for other holidays!! i have no valentine's decorations up yet-time to get moving!!

  5. very fun! i made a garland wreath for christmas - love how simple it was!

  6. Is it Valentines time already! AHH. And I'd gone this long without chocolate (try two days:) . . . how am I gonna make it through?

  7. CUTE! I love how it turned out! I am so behind on Valentine's Day decor...as usual. Love that you can use it for the 4th of July too! great job!

  8. Such a cute wreath! I love the ribbon! I have wreaths on my front doors and a printable framed, but that is about all the V-day decorations I have managed so far:)

  9. Oh how fun! I love it! It looks like a sparkly fur coat! : )

  10. That's so cute! I guess I better start thinking about something for my front door for Feb.

  11. Love that you can easily change it for changing season! Super cute!

  12. Hi! Linking over from the CSI project as well! I love your blog - such great stuff!!

  13. Fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog--I'm your newest follower. :)

  14. This is such a cute idea!!! I love how you can reuse the wreath for different holidays.

  15. I love it! It's so easy making a tinsel wreath, isn't it? And it the end result is so shiny and pretty. I made one for Christmas in less than 10 minutes. :) I have decorated my mantel and I need something for the front door.

  16. Very cute! I don't do any decorating for Valentine's Day, but I'm thinking I definitely need something for my front door. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  17. Looks great!! I featured your Hugs & Kisses Bucket today http://lifeinthethriftylane.blogspot.com/2011/01/valentines-day-gifts-ideas.html

  18. Love this! So easy too! I've still not decorated for Valentines Day and I swore I'd decorate for all the holidays. Hoping to make this this weekend.

  19. Easy, cheap, festive, cute, sparkly, versatile... what's not to like?? :)

  20. Super cute idea, supper sparkle! Thanks for stopping by my blog:) Have an awesome day!

  21. You are so festive, Amanda. Very cute and what a fun way to use the tinsel. This reminds me that I need to pull out the few V-day things I have in the basement. I have barely been home lately, and I should probably spend the time I am with a vacuum instead of decor. ;)

  22. This is so so cute!!
    I love how simple it was too :)

  23. Love this!! Simple yet elegant!!

  24. I love this! Using it for other holidays is a great idea, too.

    I haven't done one thing for Valentine's Day.

  25. I love it! It turned out so cute Amanda!

    I am boycotting Valentine's Day decor this year. I am just THAT bitter about winter.

    Haha...seriously I just don't have the time to focus on it this year with the crazy January we've had and the crazy February coming up!

  26. Girl, you know I love a good Christmas turned Valentines project...so cute. I so wished I could have met you at Blissdom this year, but we'll meet up! I love your linky above..such a good idea.


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