The girls were having a good morning and instead of whining-begging for crackers-running away-grabbing stuff off racks-torturing her sister, Natalie turned into Miss Congeniality and told the manager her name, her age, her sister's stats, and her favorite color; all with the poise of a Miss America contestant in the final round.
Michaela Byrd was fit to be tied when she found out she's too young to participate, but I distracted her with something shiny.
I agreed that Natalie could walk in the show, mostly because I remember participating in the same one when I was her exact age.
The moment where I broke the rules and curtsied at the end of the runway, causing the audience to do a collective "aaaawww" not only solidified my love of the spotlight, but it also signaled the end of my runway career as I imagine it royally ticked the fashion show coordinator off. I can only hope for a longer arching career for my firstborn.
Natalie and Michaela Byrd's experience with fashion shows is limited solely to their thrice weekly viewing of Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale. (A finer cinematic achievement has yet to be made) One of the things they learned from Barbie (aside from the fact that it's nice when fairies come and do all the work for you) is that runway models walk on a stage.
The girls decided they wanted to have a fashion show practice on the only stage-like structure we have, which is our deck.
Despite the fact that our stage prominently displayed the remains of the woodpile, a box from the hardware store, and a plastic golf bag, two international model scouts (from Pomerania) were in attendance:
One even agreed to walk the runway with the girls:
The girls were offered modeling contracts on the spot, but they signed in crayon before I could read the fine print that said all payments would be made in goldfish crackers and juice boxes.
So I guess the future of fame and fortune all hinges on next weekend's fashion show. It's either that or Toddlers and Tiaras, and I haven't worked on my stage mom routine that much.
I'm nowhere near the level of Tom Hanks. Yet. (If you haven't seen this video, please, I beg of you, click over from your reader. This is funny enough that it's worth a click! I love seeing Tom Hanks run a sewing machine, and the last 30 seconds are priceless.)
"Sexy feet. Sexy feet!"

Congratulations on the fashion show! How exciting!
ReplyDeleteThat video was hilarious. I snorted my coffee out of my nose, I was laughing so hard. Thanks for sharing it!
First of all--the dogs sitting in the chairs watching the fashion show is hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the video? Oh my word. LOVED it!!! Thanks for giving me several giggles already today. :-)
So funny! I love the modeling scouts:) I love how little girls just know how to walk like a model! I guess my boys don't know because they've never seen Barbie:)
ReplyDeleteSoooo cute! This is going to be a huge day for Natalie! Will you as her "momager" get a percentage of all goldfish proceeds...or do you take payment in the form of a mocha?!
ReplyDeleteoh my GOD that is the best thing ever! i LOOOOOVE tom hanks, he cracks me up, i think we forget how funny he is. when he squirts her for eating a cookie...tears. there were tears of laughter!
ReplyDeleteSo cute!! This makes me excited for my little girl to get older (not that I really want the time to go by any faster!) But girls are just adorable!! Have fun with the fashion show!
ReplyDeleteThat was hysterical Amanda. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThis could not be further from my current life with a five and three year old boy since my girl is only 10 months old, but it was very funny. I am so dreading the Barbie movies.
Good luck to Natalie in her real show. You might see if you could sneak your Pomeranian in to walk with her, it really might push her career over the edge and you could truly do this more often. :)
Amanda, your girls are both so adorable I can see why the manager spoted Miss Natalie! DD did some modeling for Boscovs when we were in Ny but that was it for her short lived modeling career (well, especially because she is...uh, short). Oh, BTW, if you are serious about the Toddlers & Tiaras you need to grab you some Twinkies because you are way to skinny to be one of those Moms and you probably don't own enough stretch pants to qualify...just saying.
ReplyDeleteI loved the modeling scouts from Pomerania--I totally wanted them to have sunglasses and little clipboards :). Good luck with your daughters' illustrious modelling careers--or at the very least, have fun taking lots of pictures as they work the catwalk during the show. How fun.
ReplyDeleteYAY Natalie!!! She will have so much fun!
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures. So cute! The one of the dogs watching is hysterical!
The Tom Hanks video is PRICELESS! Oh my gosh! When the first sat down with the huge wig, that lady beside them was giving them this look - oh my - so funny! Seeing Tom sewing was only to be topped by Ron Howard's appearance. HYSTERICAL!
Your girls are so sweet!!! And oh my goodness, that video was hilarious!!!
ReplyDeleteThis post made me laugh! So cute...And how cool that you did the exact same show when you were your girls age! What a fun memory. Thanks, Amanda.
oh your girls are darling. i always imagined myself with all boys but the lord has made me a nanny of 2 little girls and has given me 4 wonderful nieces and has introduced me to many blogs (like yours) that feature their precious baby girls--all of that to say, ive changed my mind a bit ;) i hope i am blessed with a baby girl! thank you for these sweet posts, have a great week with your family!
ReplyDeletekatie@little things bring smiles
That's so cool that Natalie was "discovered"! I bet she'll have so much fun!
ReplyDeleteHilarious video! I have watched that Toddlers and Tiaras show before; it's kind of like a train wreck that you can't look away from.
Oh what fun! Your little modeling show was precious. I remember playing like that when I was little. Now I'm feeling quite nostalgic!
ReplyDeleteYAY for Natalie!! Take lots of pictures because we want to see them too!! That video was hilarious, the sexy feet, the huge wig, the water spray bottle..and Tom Hanks is the best! Funny, funny!!
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to Natalie! Hope you share the pics of the show.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing that video. The spray bottle kills me!! lol.
Oh my goodness! I loved this blog! It made me smile so much! I loved that Tom Hanks video! So Funny!
ReplyDeleteCutest thing ever. I love how her head is slightly tilted. Work it Natalie (:
ReplyDeleteI did a fashion show with my mom when I was younger in a fun!
Your two are the cutest! I loved their runway photos! I hope that Natalie has loads of fun when she models at the department store.
ReplyDeleteThe video was hilarious! I about died when Ron Howard came out at the end!
awww the girls look so cute!! and i am impressed with the way your younger one strikes the poses.. :) thankyou so much for stopping by my blog and thankyou for the photography tips.. I really need them!
ReplyDeleteAnd you were sooooooo right abt the video.. what a perk it just cheered up the whole me... suchasweetsexy video!!! :D
ReplyDeleteYour girls are adorable. I love my son to pieces but hope one day to have a little fashionista.
ReplyDeleteAmanda! That Tom Hanks video is hilarious. I wonder if those people who compete on that show realize that they are being made fun of? He had the house down, the van and the doing the dance in the background to a tee. Your daughters are too darn cute, Natalie is going to rock it for sure!
ReplyDeleteLOL! Thanks for the laugh on that one!
ReplyDeleteI laugh out loud when I read your blog ALL the time! The Pomeranian judges...haha! Your girls are so stinkin' adorable! I just know Natalie will do great in the fashion show.
ReplyDeleteSooo cute! And how exciting for her!
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched the video...because I have to go pick up Cowgirl from play-practice...but I promise to do it first thing when I get back!!