Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Trick? Or Maybe Just Treat?

Will I or won't I bust open one of those bags before the 31st rolls around?

I can say with 99% certainty that T will be unable to resist the glorious lure of the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I will feign righteous indignation when I catch him with an open bag, and when he is not looking, I will swipe a mini Hershey bar.

I must know...What kind of Halloween candy do you love to treat yourself to?


  1. 100% fail to resist at our house. The Reese's and Kit Kats have already been ripped into and enjoyed.

  2. I need to go buy more already! lol

  3. I am obsessed with Dots. I eat insane amounts of them when Halloween time comes around.

    I'll even eat them when I first wake up. I need help. :)

  4. Kit Kats & Dots! Love me some Dots!

  5. I need to go buy ours today! The good thing for us is that we don't purchase chocolate, our youngest can't have we don't want any leftover as temptation. Now the sour stuff...that is a whole other story!! LOL

  6. hehehe.... I can't believe you could stop at one. I can't buy the candy until the day before or I eat it all. ;)

  7. The Reeses, without a doubt! My motto: One for you, one for me.

  8. Reese's..hands down.
    Although, Halloween is the only time I'll eat Butterfingers & Snickers Peanut Butter has me hooked too. It's hard for me to resist most candy!

  9. i love reese's peanut butter cups too... but, the halloween candy i would love to treat myself to would have to be tootsie rolls. YUM!

    Love your blog!

    In our sea of love

  10. I love KIT KATS, but I stick them in the fridge, because they are best chilled. jen

  11. You're brave to buy candy before Halloween... I probably won't buy it until the day of. That way there is less chance of me eating it all beforehand! What are your girls dressing up as this year? They are at a fun age for this holiday... I can't wait until my little guys really get into it. :)

  12. Twix! Mini Hershey bars! PB Cups! Okay, anything with chocolate. The Twizzlers aren't bad, either. :)

  13. Twix and Snickers get me every time. My husband wants all of it no matter what kind I buy.
    Over the summer I picked up a bunch of packages of the little Halloween treat bags from a yard sale (she sold me a while bag full of Halloween stuff like that for a quarter...woohoo!). Anyway, over the weekend my daughter and I stuffed the treat bags and sealed them with twist ties. It is helping all of us stay out of the candy bowl!
    By the way, I have the same black candy bowl :)

  14. I have not bought any candy yet, because I know I will start eating it. My favorite is anything chocolate!

  15. Hahaha!! This sounds like my house!!! :)
    I didn't buy anything yet... last year I had to go to the store... twice. ::blush::

  16. I have real trouble with Halloween candy. I don't buy it in advance any more, because I CANNOT stay out of it. Pretty much any kind gets me.

    One year when my kids were little, I bought tons of bubble gum instead of candy, thinking that would be better for me. Nope. I chewed so much bubble gum that I ended up with a big cavity!

    I am pretty much hopeless when it comes to sweet treats.

  17. You buy the good stuff! I know that we would not be able to stay out of it. The only reason that we haven't eaten out of our Halloween bowl is that we each have our own personal stash of candy to enjoy each night. Mine is low, so last night I had to resort to eating Marshmallows which isn't quite as good as candy.

  18. I have refused to buy Halloween candy because I know I have no willpower and I will eat it all:) I had to buy candy for the boys to throw in the Homecoming parade today, and I have already eaten at least 5 fun sized Peanut Butter Snickers...and maybe a few packs of M&M's too!

  19. I swore I wouldn't eat the Kit-Kats. I SWORE. Sigh.


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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