Wednesday, January 4, 2012

16 Ideas for Organized Kids' Closets (Pins to Admire and Inspire)

Am I the only one dreaming New Year's dreams of Organized Closets: bins and shelves and drawers and buckets, oh my? One of the things I've been working on furiously since the day after Christmas is organizing my girls' room. It's coming along, which is saying a lot, since it appeared as though two small wild animals had been living in there...such was the level of destruction. I'll share more about that another day.

As I have been working, I've eyed the also messy closet, dreaming of a way to get it in shape as well. What do you do when you need some inspiration? Well, you turn to your Pinterest Page, of course. Today's Pins are straight from my Organizing Love Board. If getting your kids' closets in shape is a New Year's Goal for you, then this post will be right up your alley!

Here you go! Click on the sources for further information:

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Which closet is your favorite?

Happy Organizing!

Michaela Byrd turns 4 years old today, so we are enjoying some time with our birthday girl!


  1. Yes, I am in an organizing frenzy myself so these pictures are what I need to see! I am loving them all but with my boys, I could picture the last one. I would even be happy if MY closet looked like one of those!

  2. Thank you for sharing my daughters closet. You are so sweet. I love the bunting one too . Xo Jen

  3. These are all so inspirational. I would love to be that organized. My favorite is the closet with the back painted green. It really opens up the small space.

  4. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!
    Loving all the inspiration. Even though we only have one still at home, and she is 18, I am searching for something better to organize that child's shoe collection! Think I may have found it, so stayed tuned.

  5. Man I wish I could get organized! In the next few weeks I need to work on moving Eli out of the nursery and into the boys' room...and it is going to be a ton of work! I'm kind of dreading it:) Those closets might just inspire me to get a little organized though!

  6. An organized closet is my favorite thing to look at. I'm drooling over these. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow. Just wow.

    My favorite is the one that was turned into mini bunk beds/loft. Not real practical for us but super cute. :)

  8. All of these are so fun! inspired me to get organizing!!


  9. Love me some organizing eye candy! :)

  10. I just made a post about 2012 being the year of organization! I am sooo gonna do it this year ;)

  11. These are fantastic. Just working on some ideas for my little one's 'big boy room' so your timing was perfect. Thanks so much (as always) for the great inspiration :)

  12. My favorite is the one with the tan color walls outside and green inside the closet!
    Happy birthday to Michaela Byrd, wishing her a wonderful day :)

  13. That little cubbyhole closet is BEYOND cute. I need one of those! : ) HOORAY for me being on Pinterest now so I can come follow you and this fabulous organizing board! Yayyyy.

  14. Love the eye candy...closets are on my "to-do" list too. I had to say that I have a January 4th baby too--my oldest turned 10 today. I can't believe it!
    Happy Birthday to you and yours :)

  15. Okay, what is better in life than a cute organized kids closet? Amen sister, loving this inspiration, they are ALL fabulous! I think the spearmint baby might just be my favorite due to my incurable blue/green/white obsession. Happy birthday to your sweet girl!

    We'll be expecting that Pinworthy birthday cake post tomorrow *wink*

  16. Thanks for all the inspiration pics! Love these ideas!

  17. Oh my gosh! I can't believe Michaela Byrd is 4 years old!! The time really does fly. I'd forgotten that both your girls have birthdays close to Christmas. You have to be one creative mama to make birthdays special so close to Christmastime.

    The closets you pinned all look beautiful. I would love for just one of the closets in my house to be that beautifully organized. Right now the closet that looks best is my husband's, just because at least he keeps his clean. My is currently a disaster area. Maybe I should clean it up, make it pretty, and write a blog post about it! :)

  18. I wish I had a kid simply so I could do some of these projects -- so stinkin' cute!!!!

  19. In LOVE with all those closets! I especially adore the green John Deere tractor one.

    But I'm pretty sure none of those closets would fit all my kids' crap!

    But I did get my girls' room de-junked and organized last week! Now on to the rest of the house!

  20. Sweet! My favorite is the one from the house creative. Gives me some good ideas as to how to organize the closet in my studio/office. I should create a pin board looking for ideas for that. :-) Happy (belated) birthday to Michaela! Hope she had a great day!

  21. These are too pretty to be closets! Not sure I can ever reach this level, but it's definitely inspiring! I couldn't decide which I liked best but I can't get past that blue/green curtain in the second photo. Gorgeous. Thanks!

  22. Still loving these closets, I just featured this post. Have a nice weekend!

  23. Also Clear your closet of your items. Take out everything from your closet and start labeling your items: keepers and giveaways. It is not healthy to keep items that you no longer use for a long time. Not only do these things clutter your closet but it may also attract bugs and pests into your closet. So instead of keeping them, give them away to charity.

  24. These closet inspirations are sure adorable! Children would be inspired to help in the organizing of their things if they see this post. Being in the closets Bergen line of work, getting to know about inspirational ideas like this makes us glad to be in the business.

  25. My favorite is the one that was turned into mini bunk beds/loft. Not real practical for us but super cute. :)


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