Monday, March 12, 2012

Signs by Andrea WINNERS!

Yes, there were 3 Winners from last week's Signs by Andrea Giveaway!

The two winners of Personalized Printables are:

#160, Christy from 11 Magnolia Lane and #49 Jessie Gunderson from Blog Schmog.

And the winner of a Monogram Sign with Overlay is:

#11, "Decor8Rgirl" (no blog)
Winners, please email me by Wednesday at 5 pm (ET) to claim your prize- amandaserenitynow(at)gmail(dot)com. Congratulations!

Thanks again to Signs by Andrea for hosting such a wonderful Giveaway! It's such a pleasure to work with you. 

**Don't forget, Andrea has a special discount code if you didn't win today! Until March 22, you can get 10% off your wood sign order if your enter SERENITY10 at checkout, or SAVINGS42012 for 10% (de)signs posters and canvases orders.

I'll be back in a bit with an organizing solution!


  1. Yeah! Thanks so much--I NEVER win anything so this was a nice pick-me-up. Thanks to you and to Andrea. Christy


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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