Monday, May 7, 2012

DIY Cloth Travel Packets (Simple Sewing!)

Happy Monday! Assuming all is well, T and I are still enjoying Disney with our girls. I have another fun guest project lined up to share with you that I think is super-smart. Please help me welcome Stacy from She's {kinda} Crafty. She has a great simple sewing tutorial to show you today. Something guaranteed to make travel a little easier: DIY Cloth Travel Packets!

Please welcome Stacy!

Hi Everyone!!!

My name is Stacy, and I craft and party over at She's{kinda}Crafty. I try to keep things simple, cute, and smart the best I can.

Recently I've been researching all things Walt Disney World all over mommy and travel blogland for our upcoming vacation. Now, the fact that I was researching these blogs in the first place is a little funny because I grew up 25 minutes from Walt Disney World and have been there hundreds of times. But now I live 3 states away and have 2 kiddos (4 and almost 2) to pack and account for so I thought it couldn't hurt to find some packing tips.

When researching endless blogs and tips about traveling to Walt Disney World, I kept coming across variations of the same advice -

Pack each day's outfit in it's own bag so that every thing is easy to find! 

How great a tip is that? Most people just threw everything into ziplock bags, which would be easiest, but I felt bad wasting 16 gallon sized zip top bags so I made my own! These bags (or packets as I like to call them) are VERY easy to make, I am talking very limited sewing knowledge needed, and can be tailored to any size packet you want or need.

If you want to get all fancy, you can add Velcro (like I did to my first batch of 4) or a zipper if you have those kind of mad sewing skills that I lack. I picked my dimensions (shown below) for pure ease (also known as laziness) - most fabric is 44 inches wide, so I picked 22" and my long side and half a yard is 18" - so 9" was my height. Easy to cut/rip the fabric, and no real rulers needed - my kind of cutting.


Cotton Fabric (1 yard will net you 8 packets if you use my dimensions)
Sewing Machine


As I said in the beginning, you can change the dimensions to accommodate your needs. We have 2 small girls and have no problem fitting an outfit, panties and socks into each packet.

I hope you find this little sewing project easy, cute, and smart!! I've packed everything up and this stacked so nicely in our duffle bags. I can't wait to get to Florida and start using them!


Thanks, Stacy! I love anything that makes packing easier (and cuter). Please head over to She's {kinda} Crafty to check out Stacy's creative projects. 

What's your best packing tip?


  1. Stacy this is such a cute idea! I need to make a few of these for my boys to carry their clothes to the bathhouse when we are camping. I always worry about them sitting their clothes down on something gross and these little bags would be perfect to keep them clean!

  2. This is such a great idea. The funny thing is that I think my husband would like some too. It''s always so stressful for him to decide what to wear each day. Imagine how happy it would make him if all he had to do would be pull out a bag with a complete outfit in it!

  3. This is such a great idea. The funny thing is that I think my husband would like some too. It''s always so stressful for him to decide what to wear each day. Imagine how happy it would make him if all he had to do would be pull out a bag with a complete outfit in it!

  4. Sweet! What a great idea for any trip & you could even get the kiddies involved in picking out the fabric :-) Thanks for sharing!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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