Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rubbermaid Review and Giveaway

-Update: Giveaway Closed-

One of the coolest things about blogging is that I sometimes get the opportunity to test products out and then tell you guys about it. I get particularly excited about items that make my life as a stay-at-home mom easier, and today's Rubbermaid product review fits the bill. Even better, Rubbermaid is offering a Giveaway for one of keep reading!

If you've been a reader for long, you know that we live in a 1970s Colonial in Virginia. Older homes are pretty solid, but you can definitely run into problems as the years pass. One issue we've had is with the plumbing...we once went 9 days without water while repairmen diagnosed our issue and built a new pipe from the house to the sewer. 9 days! At one point, I had to drive to the gas station to use the restroom. {Shudder}

Something we as homeowners and parents hate to think about is when the pipes inevitably clog and (blech) the toilet backs up. Whether you have a mischievous toddler who enjoys tossing various household items into your toilet or your pipes have just had it, no one enjoys hefting one of those grimey old plungers and going to work. 

When a Rubbermaid rep contacted me to see if I would be interested in trying out the new Clean and Dry Plunger, I was in. The site notes that this product will help keep your bathroom "cleaner and more sanitary."
I was skeptical when I read about the special NeverWet™ nanotech coating on the head and pole:
  •  The coating repels water and minimizes the spread of germs. 
  • Water beads up and rolls off instantly (like car wax)
  • Doesn't drip on your floors after use
  • Maintains coating for thousands of use

The package arrived, and of course I pulled it right out and stuck it in the (clean!) toilet just to see how this magic-like coating really worked. It was hard to get a photo with clear water, but this photo from Rubbermaid is pretty much exactly what the water did...ZERO drips on my bathroom floor!

It was also small enough to fit on its own scrap of drawer liner in our tiny downstairs bath cabinet:
Rubbermaid Clean and Dry Plunger Serenity Now blog, Giveaway

A few other things to note- Always hold the plunger by the handle, as the coating is affected by the natural oils in your skin. You'll find a few notes on care and storage here. You can also view a quick Rubbermaid video of the coating in action. The Clean and Dry Plunger retail for $12.99 and are available for purchase at Wal-Mart, Target, Meijer, The Home Depot, and

Rubbermaid is giving away 1 Clean and Dry Plunger here!

Here's how you can enter (separate comments for each entry please)*

1. (mandatory for entry) Leave me a comment and let me know why you'd like to try out the Clean and Dry Plunger.
-For extra entries-
2. "Like" Rubbermaid on Facebook
3. Tweet the Following: @rubbermaid is hosting a #Giveaway via @SerenityNowGirl! Stop by and enter to win!
4. Facebook this Giveaway with a link to this post.
5. "Like" Serenity Now on Facebook (or let me know if you already do)
6. Join my Weekend Bloggy Reading link party this weekend and include a link back within your post for an extra, automatic entry!

My Weekend Bloggy Reading link party will open tomorrow morning at 8 am ET. Bring your best post of the week to share!

Here's the button code for the party if you want to get a head start! Recipes, crafts, home decor, book reviews, funny stories, you name it. Come prepared to showcase your blog and find some great weekend reads.
Weekend Bloggy Reading

*Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. Giveaway valued at $12.99. Open to US and Canadian Residents only. I received this product to review, but was not compensated by Rubbermaid. All opinions expressed are my own.*


  1. I am a complete and total clean freak and I feel like this product is calling my name! :-)

  2. Like Christie, I am a little OCD about the bathroom (well, all of the house). The boys are constantly plunging. YUCK. It would be nice to have a more sanitary plunger!

  3. I would like to try the new plunger. It seems too good to be true and looks like a neat idea.

  4. I always hate when you use the plunger and then the water drips on the floor when you are putting it away....gross! This sounds like the perfect solution!

  5. I'd like to try out the Clean and Dry Plunger because it sounds like it will put an end to the drips after plunging!

  6. Wow, I never thought I'd say I wanted to win a plunger, but now I really do!

  7. I "Like" Rubbermaid on Facebook

  8. Tweeted:

  9. My facebook post:

  10. Ok you asked :) This past weekend I had a bunch of teenagers over at our house...somehow the toliet got clogged and I could not get it plunged. I kept trying and trying and it was disgusting!! I had to bail the water with a cup and a bucket until I could get it low enough to try again. Finally I got it plunged. I would love to try this new plunger!!!!

  11. I tweeted the giveaway @mypinkmixerblog

  12. I never thought I'd be entering us to win a plunger, but this sounds great! With two "helpful" toddlers about the house. Using things like plungers and toilet brushes quickly and as mess free as possible is a must. This would be a much better solution than sandwiching the plunger between the toilet seat so it can drip dry.

  13. I need this plunger because I have four teens and constantly have a "nasty" plunger in my hand. I have liked you on facebook and have already added your linky button to my post for the party tomorrow. I also tweeted the giveaway. Hope I win!

  14. Um, I need this because I have four grody boys....

  15. Tweeted!

  16. I'll confess that I'm not the clean freak in my family, but my husband is and he would LOVE to have this. :)

  17. I shared on FB too. :)

  18.! We must have a cheap toilet because it is always clogging. I always wash off the plunger with super hot water but am horrified at what might be dripping on the way. This would make me feel so much better!

  19. I like sanitary portion of the plunger Thank you for the giveaway

  20. We have vintyl wood plank floors and seriously a DROP of water warps the floors. It's a pain in the tushy so honestly, this would be awesome! I saw in the stores the other day and was VERY VERY intrigued !


  21. Shared via Twitter!

  22. I really like the fact that it won't drip on the floor after using it. That always grosses me out!

  23. One of the worst things about living in a newer home is that all the toilets are low-flow. While it's nice to save water on flushes, the new toilets are, in my opinion, a little TOO water-saving--they're so low-flow that they often stop up. So a good plunger is an absolutely necessity!

    I don't think I've ever tried any Rubbermaid product I didn't like; I'm guessing this is a great one, too! Thanks for the review and the chance to win one.

  24. I store our current plunger in a plastic bag in the bathroom closet to keep it away from the kids. But it always makes a mess just getting it back into the bag while dripping wet. This would be so much easier to just place on it's own spot in the closet!

  25. I love their products and would love to try this one out!

  26. Ewwww...plungers! I would love to try this "no drip" plunger...definitely interested because of the cleaner option.

    THANKS for the opportunity to win!


  27. This is great! Would love to win cause plungers are nasty!!

  28. I kind of hate to admit that this is something that would be very useful in my house. I like that it is small and doesn't drip.

  29. This is really smart. Those water drops always grossed me out. Thanks for the chance!

  30. Blech. Plungers are the worst, just having one that fits under the sink and still works like it should is enough for me!

  31. Funny story.. Before I moved here, my ex boyfriend bought me a plunger.. He didn't talk to me for six months, and then magically he shows up back in my life, but won't give it back to me! So, now I need one!



  34. well with 3 males living in this house we need a good plunger. lol Thanks for a chance to win!

    zucchinisummer at gmail dot com

  35. I need a new plunger because my old one is gross and I would like to try one that is less messy and wet.
    hendymartin1 at yahoo dot com

  36. Like Rubbermaid on FB as Hendy Martin
    hendymartin1 at yahoo dot com

  37. tweeted
    hendymartin1 at yahoo dot com

  38. Shared on FB as Hendy Martin
    hendymartin1 at yahoo dot com

  39. I would love to try the new plunger. Mine is 40 years old and in need of replacement.

  40. I want to try it because it seems more sanitary, for a plunger at least

  41. I shared the giveaway on fb

  42. This sounds so much better than the plunger we have now, would love to try it!
