All my dreams came true last December when I got my first iPhone. Maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but I had no idea how handy a smart phone could be. Whether you have an iPhone like me, or another fancy schmancy phone, there are some super cool apps out there. I want to share a few of my favorite apps today and I'd love to know what your favorite apps are!
Not a sponsored post; I'm just a little addicted to my handheld technology and am perhaps also a bit nosy. Please tell me I'm not the only one who loves to "collect" apps.
*I download my apps by going to the "App Store" on my phone and searching for them there.
1. Instagram
I use this app all. the. time. You can upload/edit photos and share them with people all over the world. I love browsing photos to "Heart" while I'm waiting somewhere. For bloggers, it's a great networking tool...another way to give your readers and blogging friends sneak peeks of upcoming projects. I love having a spot to catalog everyday pics of coffee, my kids doing something crazy, a cute outfit or home decor item I want to remember. My instagram username is serenitynowgirl.
2. Twitter and Facebook
If you like social media, use it to promote your content, or you just like to connect with readers or other bloggers, these apps are a must! It's so much easier to click on the apps, as opposed to trying to log in from your phone's internet browser.
3. Pandora
Oddly enough I mostly use the Pandora app when I am at home. I plug my phone into my little Sony speaker thingie and blast my favorite radio stations while I clean, cook, or work on stuff around the house. Great for entertaining too!
4. Pinterest
Well, I mean, how could I not have the Pinterest app?! I love that it connects right to my regular Pinterest account, and I can browse new Pins, comment, etc. while I'm waiting for the girls' dance lessons to be over. It also makes for nice entertainment when you're stuck in traffic and your husband is yelling at the other cars. Not that I know firsthand or anything. You can find me on Pinterest here.
5. QR Reader
We're seeing more and more of those funky looking black puzzle picture thingies on ads and business cards, in magazines, etc. They are scannable codes that take you directly to a particular website. I have one on my business cards that, when scanned by a smartphone, directs the person to my blog.
6. Dinner Spinner
This one is so cool. You plug in the kind of recipe you want (Beverage, Main Dish, Bread, Soup, etc), ingredients (chicken, vegetables, cheese), and the amount of time you want to spend (20 min or less, 45 minutes or less, slow cooker, any, etc.) and it "spins" to find you a whole list of clickable recipes. Too cool!
7. Angry Birds
A game with an annoying background song. It keeps my kids occupied in sticky situations. Enough said.
8. GPS Drive MotionX
LOVE this app! The download is just $0.99 and I believe you get 30 days of free voice guided navigation. After that, you can purchase the voice navigation for a year for only $9.99. Wow! There's a less expensive package, but the year was really worth it. I can't tell you how handy this one is.
I know people who spent a couple of hundreds of dollars on expensive GPS systems and still have to pay yearly to update their stuff. This MotionX thing has direction lists, maps to follow, searches for food/shopping/hospitals/parking, etc. Well worth the buck to try it out. Has given me accurate directions on every trip we've taken!
9. Lines (Disney Touring Plans)
This was a pricey, but very much worth it if you're planning on spending several days in Disney parks. It gives you approximate wait times for the rides, and also offers wonderful customized touring plans for all sorts of groups who might be exploring Disney (families with young kids, families with older kids, seniors, newlyweds, college aged kids, etc)
10. The Flashlight App
There are several flashlight apps. I'm not sure which one it is that I have, but it is bright! It came in very handy when I was walking the dog while we were at my Nannie's house.
That I have 2 apps in my "health" folder on my phone (MyFitnessPal and another one), but 9 apps in my shopping folder is telling.
So, I've shared my top 10 apps. I'm dying to know...
What are your favorite apps?
I'm back tomorrow with a Giveaway from emeals!
3 days ago
I had no idea about the allrecipe app! That is so cool! Downloading as we "speak"...
ReplyDeleteSome of my faves are:
Urban Spoon - great for finding restaurants when out of town. It also has a shake option and you can just randomly pick somewhere to eat.
Shazam - hear a song on the radio and don't know who sings it? Click on this and it tells you! Also has lyrics and discography!
Goodreads - social media app for book lovers. Shows you what your friends are reading and gives recommendations based on books you've read.
Michael's and JoAnn Fabric - coupons on my phone instead of losing them in my purse or leaving at home.
Sorry - that was a lot of info! lol
I need to check out your apps! I have an iPhone (an older one), but I don't make good use of it. I use it mostly for checking email and occasionally checking something online. I'm such a dud!!
ReplyDeleteOne app that I do use every time I travel is a Sleep Machine. It's an excellent white noise maker. We've slept with a noise machine for years, and traveling used to be challenging as we would look for something to make white noise. (Now that Jack has two stainless steel heart valves, a white noise machine is an essential--I'm not sure I'd ever get to sleep without it! The valves make a loud ticking sound--like a ticking clock.)
Thanks for sharing your favorites!
Thanks for te GPS app recommendation. That's one thing I'm missing. I would agree with many of yours, but right now my most used app is Newsify. It's an amazing blog reader that hooks up to Googke Reader. I actually prefer it reading blogs on my computer. It's super easy to scroll through blogs, comment and see pictures. I have finally
ReplyDeleteBeen able to
Keep up with my Reader thanks to thi a app
I use The Weather Channel app frequently and also a USTA app that makes it really easy to keep up with my tennis team's ranking. I also like Shazam and Urban Spoon. I have the Instagram app and have never used it!
ReplyDeleteI like posts like this where I can discover an app that will be useful.
i was envying the iphone peeps until android got instagram!!! but a pinterest app? {sigh} i will try tomake it thru without!!! but i am going to check on the recipe one!! thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the wonderful i-phone world! I love mine too! One of my fave apps is "Around Me" With this app you can find banks, restaurants, gas stations, hotels, theatres, etc. wherever you are with just one click. So easy and handy especially when traveling...check it out!
ReplyDeleteHmmm... My favorite apps are definitely my social media ones, like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. I also have a Wordpress app for my blog that I love because I can approve comments whenever and wherever. I also use the Couch to 5k app and My Fitness Pal and I recently bought Newsify, so I can read my Google Reader blogs on the go!
ReplyDeleteI love a lot of those apps you mentioned...the only other ones I use frequently are craigslist, eBay and I love the Michael's app because you can get coupons and they just scan your iPhone in the store!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI love my Joann Fabrics app-you can load coupons right before you walk in the store or even while waiting in line =)
Also, Mapquest has voice guided navigation and I think it was free. I use it all the time!
Thank you for sharing your favorites! I love Instagram and am loving and using the PicFrame, PicStitch, and InstaFrame apps currently to make collages of my pictures. Thanks, Shelly
ReplyDeleteI am completely addicted to Instagram...and I love browsing pinterest on my phone too:) I just downloaded a couple games for my boys that are pretty fun. I added a flag one for the Olympics and a state one to help them learn all the states. I hadn't heard of the allrecipes app...I need that one!
ReplyDelete I did a post today too about my favs!!! Love your too! Going to download now:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your favorites! I’m still pretty new to the iPhone world too, so it’s awesome to see so many recommendations from different people. The apps I’ve come to love so far are; Chase, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Temple Run, Whirly Word, Dish Remote Access, Words Free, Draw Something and TurboCollage. I pretty much enjoy anything that provides me with entertainment because of how often I’m away on business for my job at Dish. The one I probably use the most because of those travels is Dish Remote Access. I can watch all of my favorite shows from home, live or recorded, anywhere I go in the world, while also making sure my DVR is well managed and scheduled on the go. :)
ReplyDeleteI've become a fan of allrecipes ever since the day it went online! Happy cooking!
ReplyDeleteI am still using my 7 year old black doesn't die (even after being dropped in a glass of sweet tea. True story.) I am getting an iPhone in Nov and cannot wait!! However, someone just told me that Verizon is no longer doing upgrades, which would suck, but maybe I can get one now. Thanks for this post!
I have a ton of crafty apps like Etsy & Micheal's Joann's & Hobby Lobby all have iphone apps now too. I love my pandora app as well as Evernote & lots of game apps to stave off boredom in waiting rooms. :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm already a fan of all the others, but Lines and GPS Drive Motion X are two that I'm going to have to get! Thanks for the great list and recommendations.