Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Nice Side of Blogging

Chances are, if you're a blogger, or a reader, or if you sometimes look at Facebook, or Twitter, or Pinterest, you've seen some recent talk about bloggers having their work stolen by "scraper sites." These scraper sites steal blog content and repost it on their own sites, using the clicks they get to earn ad money. It's really stinky. I haven't dealt with it in several years (knock on keyboard), but many of my favorite blogs are having to change the way they publish their content through email and online reader systems.

Between content stealers, and seeing people leave mean comments on other blogs, and watching people take advantage of link parties, and being overwhelmed with the start of the school year and being sick this week and not feeling at all creative...I had to sit down last night and remember some of the awesome things about blogging.

It doesn't hurt that I get to try out neat stuff from companies I've always admired (hi, Martha Stewart), and I love having a spot to share my own creative projects. It's nice to get feedback from the five people who read this blog!

Something even cooler and more unexpected is that as a blogger, I get to make connections with people I otherwise might not have ever gotten to know! 

This happened most recently when Erin from His and Hers emailed me to let me know she was cleaning out some of her things and wondered if my girls might like some of her old American Girl and Barbie stuff. She knew they are both really into their girlie toys and offered to pop a box in the mail to Virginia.

Never one to turn down an opportunity to occupy my kids with something other than begging me for cartoons, I said yes. And what do you know, a box arrived on our front stoop not too long afterwards, and the girls were overjoyed.

I couldn't get over how sweet Erin was to think of us, out of all the people she might have given those fun books and activities to. 

This is where I have to pause and smile and remember that even though there are stinky people out there who steal blog posts and ideas and leave ugly comments...there are many more who visit blogs to be a source of encouragement, who think of others, who send boxes from other states because they know it will brighten the day of two little girls. 

So, thanks, Erin, for making me smile (and the girls too). And thanks to you, reader, for putting up with a non-crafty-homey-recipe post today. 

Sometimes it's good to remember the nice side of blogging.

What's your favorite thing about blogging or reading blogs?


  1. this is why I blog- I love the goodness in peoples hearts. Hope your girls enjoy their new dolls!

  2. Don't give up blogging! I love to read your post.

  3. love the community of women in blogging :) And I LOVE that she sent your girls those toys - so sweet!!

    Thanks for focusing on the positive...I feel like it's been a sad week in blogging :(

  4. How wonderful! Your girls probably thought it was Christmas in August (: I blog mainly just for me, but it's nice to share what we love to do - raising families and making our homes cozy and beautiful.

  5. This is a great post! Not everything has to be crafty, I like how you keep it real. Thanks for sharing your good experiences, I am new to the blogosphere and posts like this keep me going.

  6. Thanks for such a nice post. I am new to blogging, and this is so nice to read.

    Restores my faith in humanity. How nice of Erin to send you those special little surprises to you and your girls.

  7. Yes, Amanda! There are so many good things about blogging. Now that so many of us use blogging as a source of income, I suppose it's inevitable that bad behavior would erupt--sad, but true. But there are so many nice people out there and I love the way the blogosphere has brought us together. Thank you for celebrating the good.

    And wow, Erin! What a kind thing for you to do!! Looks like Natalie and Michaela Byrd were awfully happy to get that package! :)

  8. Love your decision to write a positive post! Nice to read this week especially, but I always enjoy your posts. :)

  9. Great post Amanda! There are definitely more positives to blogging than negatives. I like the connecting with others part, too. That was soo sweet of Erin to send your girls all those things. How fun for them to open!

    Have a fantastic day!! =)

    ~ Catie

  10. Love this post! Thanks for the smile today lady!

  11. Great post Amanda! So nice to focus on the positive and ignore the negative sometimes! Have a great day ~ Laura

  12. That was so sweet! I really needed this today as I got what seemed to me as my first "demanding" comment on Facebook yesterday. It really threw me off a bit and bugged me how frustrated I was! I started blogging because I DO love it and I've met so many amazing people through blogs and creative businesses. Thanks again for this post. :-)

  13. That was so sweet of her! I love the network of friends that is made while blogging. I enjoy seeing what everyone is up every morning when I read the latest posts.
    I would like to know more about how to know if your content is being stolen though. I hope this never happens to me but if it does I have no way of knowing.

  14. Perfect timing for a perfect share. This is just the sort of thing I love about blogging and what I would like to focus on. The positive :)

    And your girls are darling!! I was a Barbie lover too.

  15. I must be incredibly lucky, because I've never received a mean comment on my blog, and as far as I know, nobody has stolen my content (I'm not sure how I would check for it, though!). Mind you, my blog is not terribly popular, so maybe I don't get enough visitors :)

    How lucky for your daughters to receive goodies from a blogging friend! I agree - focus on the positive!

  16. That is so nice!!! there are so many great things about blogging...I can't even imagine not being part of this community now!

  17. No, thank YOU for putting a smile on my face today Amanda!

  18. I can't believe people have the nerve to actually steal BLOG CONtENt when they know that the person they steal from can EASILY SEE IT!!!! I hope I never encounter that kind of situation, or nasty remarks as well.

    When I started blogging, the whole point was to share my ideas, thoughts etc to my friends, it was a perk that I met new and nice people along the way, but in then end, I am putting myself out there and would appreciate some decency on poeple who are, technically, just browsing by to see your ideas right? But I guess that is the risk you take for blogging. And I have to say the benefits, especially for popular blogs such as yours, outweighs all that. I'm happy for you. :-)

  19. Aww! Those pictures! I'd been trying to figure out what to do with it, and as soon as I saw your facebook post about the new American Girl doll, a lightbulb went off! SO happy that they are going to give that stuff some love. :)

  20. I'm so glad you don't have to truncate your posts! I think I'm going to have to start reading less blogs because I do so much of my reading through Reader on my phone, and clicking over just won't work that way. Not to mention my internet is too slow to be able to open multiple blogs at once. Thanks for writing a positive post, and for always being real with your readers!

  21. What a sweet thing for Erin to do. I agree, I love connecting with other bloggers, even if I haven't met them in real life.

  22. This is why I love blogging, but it's also why I love Erin! She is one of my favorite bloggers - SO funny, so real and has an amazing heart. How cool that your girls now get to give the dolls a little more lovin'. :)

  23. I've been reading your blog for over a year now, but I don't think I have ever commented.

    I'm constantly getting inspired and motivated by reading your words. I love the pictures you post of your girls, and all the cute and funny stories you share.

    You're an amazing blogger and you will always have more good than bad because of your heart. Don't let others bring you down - at least not for long.

    You are loved!

  24. That is so sweet! What a thoughtful person. The vast majority of folks I meet through blogging are awesome, it's just unfortunate that the "bad seeds" try to ruin it.

  25. I love this post!
    Yes, a lot has been going on lately in the blog world, but this sort of kindness really is what it is all about!! We meet the most amazing people, make friends, learn new tips and get inspiration. But what Erin did for your daughters is above & beyond what you normally see. How sweet she is for thinking about your girls!
    Debbie :)

  26. What a nice thing for Erin to do! Your girls are going to spend hours and hours enjoying their new things.


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