Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2000 (Thoughts on a Blogging Milestone, Q &A)

Over the weekend, this little old blog reached the 2000 mark with "Followers" through Google Friend Connect. I find this shocking and also a bit humbling, considering my own family didn't show any particular interest in Serenity Now when I started out. I used to have to ask my mom to read a post or two. I wanted to share a little about blogging today, and also throw out a chance for a Q and A for those of you who have any questions for me.

I realize that there are lots of bloggers out there who start up, link to 2346 link parties, earn some features, and have twice the numbers I do in a matter of months. I also realize that a lot of bloggers are saying that those Followers numbers aren't a big deal any more, they don't matter, etc. etc.

I actually don't feel that way at all. While I certainly don't think that numbers and stats dictate how fabulous a blog is, I look at those little faces popping up on my sidebar as a means of encouragement. Every time I see a new number there with my "Fabulous Followers," I smile because it's one more person who thought my blog was worth more than a passing glance. 

I don't share big room makeovers or projects every week (Thanks, Monsieur Economy, for everything.) and I limit the number of blog parties I participate in. There haven't been many projects up lately because I've been busy with some behind-the-scenes work and keeping up with Fall activities. I've grown this blog through consistent posting, making connections with readers, and being myself. 

If you're a new blogger, I encourage you to do the same. With the holidays approaching, it can be very tempting to stress yourself out over tossing out big posts every day to draw new readers in. It can be tempting to compare yourself to more successful sites with bigger numbers. It can be tempting to spend too much time on the computer. Believe me, I've been there. I challenge you to let yourself relax a little over the next few months and savor your time with family and friends. If you have a great idea for a post, go with it. But don't let the business of blogging get you down!

That said, I do want to thank every single one of you who took the time to click that little blue "Follow this site" button on my sidebar. Seeing those cute little faces is a great reminder that even if people spend more time Pinning than commenting these days, there are readers out there who care enough to stop in now and then.

I feel like I've been pretty open, but here are a few things you might not know about me:

1. I hate waiting my turn.
2. I cheat at mini golf (see #1).
3. When I was a kid, I used to practice my smile in the mirror in case I should ever act on a sitcom and they might need a cute shot of me for the opening credits. (true story)
4. I have never tried sushi. you have any questions for me? 2000 Followers and 3 years later...I'm sure there are some stones unturned around here. Any questions about me, being a mom, projects I've done, blogging, pet peeves, etc? I'll try to do another post with answers, so don't leave me hanging! {crickets chirping}


  1. Love your blog. What a great post. I have a question. Why did you originally start Serentiy now?

  2. thanks for the tip Amanda and congratulations! I don't know how to do add those "join this site" button for google friend connect, any helpful tips on that? And on a lighter note, quick question for you - what's the one space in you house that you are most proud of? want to change if given a chance, for someone else to do for you?

  3. Congrats! This is such an encouraging post to all of us! Thanks for reminding us that we need to enjoy life outside the blog!

  4. congratulations!! that's awesome! i haven't been blogging at all-or been very creative lately-and i miss it! love your blog!

  5. Congrats! Number three on your list is hilarious! Are you teaching your girls to do the same thing:)

  6. I love the advice to keep enjoying time with your family and not get tied up with all of the holiday posting. It can get so insane around this time of year!!

    And congrats on the milestone!! :)

  7. Congrats friend! Such an exciting mark to hit and so rewarding for you! You give some great tips on how to 'keep it real'!!

  8. So THAT'S why you have such a nice smiling pic over on the side. :)

    Congrats on the milestone! I like that your blog isn't chock full of project after project after project. I feel like this is a glimpse of you, what your life is about, what you like. Keep up the good work, my friend! :)

  9. Congrats!! That's a huge milestone! After one year of blogging, I am no where close to that number. But I agree that consistency will pay off!

  10. Thanks for this encouragement. Sometimes I get a little bummed at the slow pace of my blog but then I am reminded it is growing and people Do read it. We should blog because we enjoy it.
    My question(s) would be... When do you write your posts? How much time do you spend blogging/reading/commenting a day?

  11. Congrats Amanda! As a newer blogger, I appreciate the tips and opinions from my favorite bloggers and so agree with you on being yourself, not trying to keep up with others, and not stressing out over the holidays! Wish me luck with that! :)

  12. Congratulations! I am a huge fan of your blog, because I, like you, am not able to spend gobs of money or time on huge house projects. You are a very real, funny and have some pretty great recipes, too! :) Thanks for being you!

  13. Congrats Amanda! You are one blogger who is always real and genuine and have truly earned the time and attention of your followers. Well done!

  14. Yay Amanda! Congratulations! Even though I'm not the best at commenting, your blog is one of my top reads. You are so down to earth and I love that. Well done! As a reader I really appreciate your realness. I can only hope to grow my blog like you've grown yours. =)

    My question is - when did you start hosting your link party and how many followers did you have when you started it? Thanks!

    ~ Catie

  15. Congratulations on all your friends!
    I can't blog everyday, but I'm constantly taking pictures and have folders full of day I'll get them up. It is fun and humbling when people click to become a friend. And like you, I love all of them!
    Debbie :)

  16. Hi Amanda! Congrats on your 2000 peeps...that is quite an accomplishment! I could write a novel here. ;) First of all, I appreciate & love that you are an accessible,real person. I have emailed you a couple of questions and you refreshing. ;) Most don't.

    With the prices of gas and groceries being so high, I think those of us who are blogging about making your house a home without spending a ton of money are providing a good service these days. When I mention even buying a can of paint I get disapproving looks from the hubs, so I am definitely creating my blog on a budget!

    And the whole thing about family not being interested...I'm so with you sister! My mom never reads my blog and my husband doesn't either, but he does give me the occasional "like" on my FB page because I whine about it. LOL

    I have two questions. I thought Friend Connect was going away. I'm so confused about what I should use for people to be "followers". I have signed up with Google+. Any thoughts? Also, how do you snag those awesome boxes of goodies from Plaid? I practically drool when I watch your videos of opening the boxes! LOL Oh, and my daughter and I love watching Emma help you...she is adorable.

    Love your blog girl...keep up the good work!


  17. I am so excited to dive into your blog! Thanks so much for the great tips. :) Have a wonderful day!

    Katie Pea

  18. This post could not come at a better time for me. So encouraging and helpful to me! I've even read all the comments here because there are so many good questions here. I would have the same questions as Catie and Krystle. And next would be how long before you got sponsors and any tips for getting them? Can't wait to read your next post. Love your blog! Thanks for being a great inspiration to us all and for sharing tips!!

  19. Thanks for being you, Amanda! I don't comment often ... but I stop by every week! Congratulations on your 2000 followers milestone ... it's a biggie.
    Tracey @ The Kitchen is My Playground

  20. Congrats Amanda! What a HUGE milestone. Thanks for all the tips, my only question would be how do you plan your postings? Do you do it weekly, monthly? I have a major lack of organization in planning my posts, especially if they include pictures that need to be edited & such. It gets to be a lot of work. I'd love any advice you can offer!

  21. Amanda, I don't have a particular question (surprise! I ask you questions all the time, but not today!), but I do want to say CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU. You've done a great job with this blog, and you've done a wonderful job of being you. And you are wonderful, so that's a good thing at which to do a wonderful job. Otherwise it wouldn't be worthy of you. :)

  22. I would love some advice on monetizing my blog. What has worked for you or earned you the most? Adsense? If so, do you have any tips on using it? Thanks!

  23. Congratulations Amanda! I have learned so much from you about blogging and I really appreciate it. I hope I someday have as many followers as you!

  24. I just love the encouragement and also that you are really honest about this bloggy business. It is SO easy to get lost in it. Whew! Happy weekend to you and congrats on reaching 2000!!

  25. Congratulations on the milestone,Amanda - 2000 followers is a wonderful accomplishment!

    You should definitely try sushi - for me, it was an acquired taste, but now I love it. Is there a reason you haven't tried it?

  26. Fantastic Blog Amanda..I think I found you through Pinterest :) I've been blogging for about 1 1/2 years and love it..Love all the blogging info you have. I'll be your next follower for sure :)


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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