Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Kitchen "Before" Pictures

One of my Home Goals for 2013 is to complete our Mini Kitchen Update. So, I'm sharing some "Before" pics today...and hoping that I'll share the "After" version sooner rather than later. The plan is in place, I know what I'm doing with each area--time to execute.

Our kitchen isn't completely hideous, but it is dated, and badly needs repainting. The pale yellow walls were fun when they were fresh, but it's time for a change. This project has dragged out for months now....Bad weather sent some leaks and cracks our way. That led to multiple layers of drywall mudding. And multiple weeks of me nagging T to add more mudding. Add a few other DIY projects into the mix, and it's now February. I am determined to get this done!
Kitchen "Before" Pictures, from Serenity Now

Kitchen "Before" Photos, from Serenity Now

This bench is actually pretty new and was a thrift store find...a real steal for $74. I'm planning on leaving the seat as-is and will probably paint the rest black:
Kitchen "Before" Photos, from Serenity Now
Kitchen "Before" Photos, from Serenity Now

I'd love to get rid of both those pieces and do a giant wall of built-in shelves and cabinets, but I'm only using money from gift cards I won in Giveaways for this's just not in the budget.
Kitchen "Before" Photos, from Serenity Now
Kitchen "Before" Photos, from Serenity Now

Um, yeah, so the fridge is a teensy bit cluttered. (blushing) Guess we really do need that command center!
Kitchen "Before" Photos, from Serenity Now

I'd flip to change out the cabinet fixtures, but the hinges have plastic to them and I'm just not sure that spray paint will last on them. Replacing them is not in the budget right now, so brass it is for now.
Kitchen "Before" Photos, from Serenity Now
Kitchen "Before" Photos, from Serenity Now

Um, very empty wall. Big plans for this wall. Hope it turns out the way I have it pictured in my head.
Kitchen "Before" Photos, from Serenity Now

You can see the two old ceiling fans here, plus the new spray painted light fixture above the sink. I bought a new fan for the area near the stove...would love something different, but we have to have it for the circulation. I have something completely different to go above the table...really hoping it turns out!

On our to-do list?

  • Finish the mudding and sanding of problem areas
  • Paint ceiling
  • Prime walls and trim
  • Paint walls and trim
  • New window treatments
  • New rugs
  • New artwork

I am so excited for this room to come together. It won't be a jaw-dropping, earth-shattering makeover. But I think the changes will be a nice update to the room to make it feel current in our 1970s Colonial!

What's one of your Home Goals for 2013?

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  1. You gotta get rid of that ugly black rug!!! I think your cabinets are great and so is the buffet - the tall cabinet, table, and bench can easily change to "go" better. I think it will look great!

  2. It's going to be jaw-dropping I'm sure!! Just paint alone can do that for you! Good luck!

  3. Can't wait to see the transformation. A layer of new fresh paint always makes a room look brand new. Our home goals this year are to paint the kitchen also. Right now there are three different sample colors on the walls. I've seen these great ideas for command centers using chalk paint or white board paint. You can paint it on the walls and then frame it. Also, frame some of the girls art work.

    Have fun!


  4. Good luck with all of your plans - I think it will be fun to see your changes. I would like to do some of that around here, too...but I know what you mean about it not being in the budget...

  5. I can hardly wait to see your new changes! (Especially what you end up creating for that big wall space.)

  6. Your kitchen is a really nice room. I'm sure you'll fall in love with again once you've changed it a little. Your bench and your chairs are really nice and work well with your space.
    My goal for 2013 is really boring: I need to have all the drywalls in the kitchen/living-room redone... But it's the key to a new kitchen in 2014!!! Fingers crossed!

  7. its always fun! we re-painted ours a few months ago and makes a hige difference. have fun!

  8. My dogs always jump in the photos too! Glad it is not just me....

  9. So exciting!! Can't wait to see the after pics ;)

  10. finish our formal dining room finally!!!! Can't wait to see your progress!

  11. I think your kitchen is cute! I LOVE the half it called a dutch door?!? Whatever it's call, I want one:) I can't wait to see what all you do with the space!

  12. The hospitality book looks so good.

    We've been opening up our home to friends this year and I've never loved our home more!

    It's so good to be filled with life and fellowship!

  13. It is always exciting to make the room we spend the most time in more inviting. We redid our kitchen last year (on a tight budget) and it makes me so happy to spend time in there now!
    I like the bench! I need to find a bench for our entry area near the back door...right now the kids just sit on the floor to put on or take off their shoes. :)


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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