Thursday, September 5, 2013

Second Grader

I know everyone else has moved on to pumpkins and Thanksgiving tablescapes and homemade Christmas stockings, but my kids are apparently the last ones on the planet to head back to school. And Michaela Byrd doesn't even start kindergarten until Monday! Natalie headed back as a second grader (what the heck??!) on Tuesday, and I could scarcely believe it.
Back to School Pictures, from Serenity Now

After some rough news that she didn't get the coveted teacher and none of her friends were assigned to her class, Natalie chose to have a good attitude and start second grade on a positive note. Believe me, it took some talking and some convincing, but it was a good moment for her to learn that life has its disappointments. And you know what? Her teacher, Mrs. J, is super nice and seemed to like the Teacher Survival Kit we made. And she made two new friends at Open House. Score.
Teacher Survival Kit {Back to School Teacher Gift Idea} at Serenity Now

I'm not one of those moms who cries or gets teary on back to school days. Maybe I will when baby #3 heads off for greater knowledge. Nope, I get excited for the fun traditions, new friendships, class parties, freedom for a few short hours. (Until the baby gets here and I get to start indentured servitude all over again)
Back to School Pictures, from Serenity Now
Back to School Pictures, from Serenity Now

So, while the seven year old is busy doing math worksheets, practicing her spelling words, and hopefully blowing the other kids out of the water with her genius super-powers, Miss Byrdie and I will enjoy these last few days of summer vacay before her half day kindergarten program begins next week.
Back to School Pictures, from Serenity Now
Back to School Pictures, from Serenity Now

Here's to back to school!

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  1. They look so darn cute. Glad she took the changes in stride. Not always easy. Sounds like she is making friends already.

  2. They look gorgeous! Hope they have a super fun year!

  3. Your girls are so cute! Reminds me of my sister and I when we were little. I live in Ontario, Canada and school doesn't start here until the Tuesday after Labour Day and I always found it strange to read that some people's kids go back mid-August!

    Steph :)

  4. Hey..They both are too cute.


  5. How refreshing that there are still places in America where school starts in September {like it is supposed to!!!}. We've been back for 3 weeks and missed August as being summer!
    I remember my baby's 2nd grade photo--I think that was just last year{lol}...she is a big sophmore now...{don't blink...I did and I missed about 8 years}--aimee

  6. Good heavens. They get more beautiful with every passing year. But how on earth could Natalie be in 2nd grade??? Have THAT many years passed??

  7. School didn't start here until this week I also am having a hard time with letting go of summer. (I finally caved and bought Pumpkin Beer, which I usually won't touch until the first day of fall)

    Good luck getting through the first days. My babies have been at "school" (daycare/preschool) since they were a couple months old and it doesn't get easier per say, just quicker to recover after dropping them off.


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