If you've been following this journey to a decluttered room and organized crafting supplies, you know I started with a real mess. A mess that I got myself into after Natalie moved into the bigger bedroom with her little sister and I had an unoccupied room on my hands. A room that became the "if you don't know what to do with it, throw it in there" room.
It was stressful to look at. It was stressful to clear out.
It took me most of the beginning of the school year just to go through years' worth of outgrown girls' clothes to donate and sell at local consignment spots. I overestimated the amount of free time I thought I'd have once the girls started back to school, and those few hours that Michaela Byrd is in kindergarten in the mornings don't always allow me to get done what I need to. Add in afternoon activities, homework, dinner, and pregnancy fatigue (!), and things took much longer than I expected.
But the clothes are gone, with the exception of a bin of Natalie's things that her little sister can wear in the next season or two. The girls' shared closet is cleaned out and organized in a way that makes life so much easier for me!
The craft supplies are organized in my brand new WorkBox from The Original ScrapBox and I can't wait to show you all how it turned out. I have some accessorizing to do in that shared family space, but it may have to wait until after baby arrives. For now, I'm thrilled to have ONE spot to store all my crafty homey stuff...you're not going to believe how cool it is!
And now our baby boy will have a space of his own...and he won't have to sleep on a box of glue sticks. Isn't that exciting?
Yesterday, I taped, primed over those pink pinstripes (it was a little sad to say goodbye to the pink) and covered 'em up with blue. I LOVE how they turned out. Here's a sneak peek:
A full nursery reveal will most likely have to wait a bit. I have some art to craft and some fluffing to do before I can share, so you all stay tuned!
Have you ever decluttered an area of your home and felt light as a feather afterwards?

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