These are my no-longer-newborns. (And the husband!) I’m Kelly, and I blog about how we’re fixing up our crusty ol’ foreclosure on the teensiest budget over at View Along the Way.
This is my baby girl's room, which we made over for about $500 - including all the furniture.
Are you wondering why I took that artsy, weird photo from a low angle that doesn't show the ceiling? Okay, you caught me. It's because we had this situation going on.
That is some completely offensive ceiling fan action. Now, I live in the south, y'all. I "get" the need for ceiling fans. But this one was an obnoxiously dark eyesore and we never used it anyway. Time for an upgrade!
I took this little chandelier which I picked up at the Ballard's Outlet for $20-something...
And turned it into this:
...for only $2 plus the cost of a can of spray paint.
First, I strung that bad boy up to a tree outside to take a "before" pic and spray paint it... at which point I became the victim of a serial photobomber.
My husband is 30, guys. Thirty years old. Is thirty-one the magic age when husbands finally grow up? When the photobombing insanity ended, I pulled out a can of spray paint and got this:
I liked how it looked with the new color, but I wanted it to be a little more blingy for my high-stylin' baby girl.
I think it's supposed to be a beaded curtain of some kind? Not sure. But I thought I could rework some of the turquoise beads for the chandelier, and it was only $2 for the whole bag. I took the existing chain off the chandelier:
And tied the beads on to the existing hooks.
Then I decided I wanted some beads on the bottom too. So I unscrewed the ball thing on the bottom. I cut four strands of beads, removing one from the center, and laid the center opening over the part of the chandelier where the ball screwed in, and reattached the ball back over the string.
I just hot-glued the other end of the beads to the chandelier. And I was all done!
...Except for installation. I hired my photobomber to remove the old fan and install the new chandelier.
And ta-da!
I totally dig the way the light shines through those iridescent beads.
Baby girl is a fan too. She gives it two chubby sweet baby thumbs up!
Thanks, Kelly. I'm a fan too! Such a bright, colorful room...just lovely!
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