Can you believe it? The Christmas season is here! Many of us spend months during the year planning, prepping, and dreaming of this special time of year.
And then we waste it.
Wait, what? (Cue screeching record sountrack)
Yep, you read that correctly. I'm guilty of it too. I let myself get all hyped up with holiday hysteria and plan for the "Pinterest Perfect Christmas" (seriously, look at my Christmas Pinterest board, people)...only to be disappointed when my expectations fall flat. I've thrown hissy fits over Christmas lights, yelled at my kids, spent more than I should have, and worried more about having a perfect Christmas craft to share on the blog than about making our family free time special.
So I started this series. I've said it's as much for me as it is for you! This year, with a brand new baby, I don't want to stress out over comparing my holiday experience to others'. We all go through stages of life where it's just not realistic to expect a home that's decorated to the nines and blog posts that readers will Pin immediately. And perfection doesn't really exist, anyways, does it?
A group of fabulous bloggers has agreed to stop by during the month of December to share projects, crafts, recipes, tips, and ideas with you. They are designed to be simple, affordable, and inspiring. It's my hope that we can all spend the month of December enjoying friends and family instead of fretting over editing photos and making things "perfect." Give yourself the gift of grace this year!
So, please, enjoy the series this year. I hope you find some fun new ideas to try out with your own family!
You'll find the links to each post in the series below (as they each go live):
Please feel free to add to your own Pinterest boards and/or share with friends!
- A Show-Stopping Christmas (Give Yourself Some Grace this Year)
- Thinking Beyond the Mantel (Holiday Decorating Tips)
- 20 Christmas Treats for Your Cookie Tray (Recipes)
- Paint and Glitter Dipped Pine Cones (Holiday Home Decor)
- DIY Glitter Flats (Style)
- Drop Cloth Ornaments
- Free Christmas Printable
- Pom Pom Snowman (Christmas Craft for Kids)
- Seasoned Oyster Crackers Recipe
Please feel free to add to your own Pinterest boards and/or share with friends!
Merry Christmas to you!

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