Here are some projects that caught my eye:
~Mid-Century Metal Bar Cart Makeover via Revolutionaries
~Easy Chocolate Lava Cakes for New Year's via Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
~Chalkboard Chargers via Beyond the Aisle
~Spicy Tuscan Soup Recipe via Simply Keep Breathing
~Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies via Scrapality
That's all for today, folks. I wanted to try to squeeze in a few features while I'm busy at home with the new baby. There were also very few bloggers that took the time to link back to Serenity Now within their linked up posts this week. Please remember that while I love to feature other bloggers and their work, link parties are a two-way street. If you want to be featured, take the time to give credit (with a link back) for that extra traffic that blog party hostesses send you! I send you traffic, you send me traffic, and our readers are able to find similar posts when they're surfing the web. I hate bypassing some really great projects every week because they don't have a link-back within the post, but I have to be fair to everyone.
You can catch up on our Christmas fun recap here if you have a few minutes!
You can catch up on our Christmas fun recap here if you have a few minutes!
Have a fantastic week!

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