Today I am showing you a fun little Doodle Frame. It would be fun for kids, tweens or teens. Instead of texting, instagramming, snapchatting or whatever else they are into they can spend some time doodling on this frame. I know me and I would have written I love {insert flavor of the week} all over the frame in my tween years. Bwhahaha!
When you are done with the doodle you tear it off to reveal a new piece of paper to doodle on.
Utility Knife (I got mine at the Dollar Tree)
Double-sided stick tape
A 4” x 6” old frame with back on it
Scrap of matt board
White glue (I used Mod Podge)
Foam brush or small paint brush
Straight Edge
Binder Clips
1. Find a pad of paper that you are willing to part with that is at least the size of a notebook page. I got mine during school supply season.

2. Using a ruler, mark a 3 1/2” by 5 1/2” rectangle that is 2” from the right hand side of the paper since we want our frame to be 2” all the way around.

![DSC05416[2] DSC05416[2]](http://www.infarrantlycreative.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/DSC054162_thumb.jpg)
3. Next, using a utility knife with a new blade and the straight edge cut out the rectangle. You will have to slice through it firmly over and over until you cut through the amount of pages you want. Make sure you don’t cut past the lines. I wanted 25 pages so I cut through 30 pages so I had some extra pages to work with later.

4. Now, measure more lines 2” from the other lines you made all the way around the frame. Since my binding is on the left side of the notepad I cut out the top and bottom first (the same way I cut out the rectangle) and then I cut out the left side. You should not have to cut through the right side since we measured 2” from that spot to begin with. Now you have your frame.

5. Using a white glue and binder clips to hold it in place, spread glue on the edge. I wanted my frame to hang vertically so I put glue on the top. Start on the left side and glue it, then put a binder clip in place. Then put a little more glue on, and then another clip and so on and so forth. This will create a tear-off pad. Let it dry.

6. After it is dry, remove one binder clip at a time and reglue and put the binder clip in place again. Then remove the next binder clip, and glue and continue on until you put a second coat on. I did three coats altogether.
7. While the glue is drying, cut out a piece of matt board (with the straight edge and utility knife) or stiff cardboard the size of your frame. Mine was 7 1/2” by 9 1/"2”. Then using double-sided stick tape, tape the top of the paper pad frame to the top of the matt board.
8. Next, take an old backing from a frame and tape it in place using the double-sided stick tape. Line up the bottom of the frame, thing-a-ma-bob with the bottom of the matt board. (See where I am pointing).

9. Tape a picture in place under the pad of paper. You will probably remove the first paper since it was the one you drew your lines on. Then doodle away.

When you are sick of that doodle rip off the page and start fresh.

This would be cute packaged with some crayons or colored pencils for the artist you have to buy for. I am guessing it would cost less than $3 to buy a notepad, a utility knife and a frame from the Dollar Tree. Hopefully, you have Elmer’s glue, binder clips, a small paint brush, straight edge and cardboard.
Thanks, Beckie! I know my eight year old and her friends would get a huge kick out of this. What a neat party favor idea too!
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What a cute and super fun project!!!!! Kids will surely love this and of course, by the looks of it, even grown-ups!