Natalie had a first day of third grade, and Michaela Byrd started first grade. For my smaller girl, it was a new school, and the first time going to school all day. I sent them both off with happy hearts...they have kind, amazing, caring teachers, and some really sweet kids in their classes!
Yep, they get to walk to and from school (with me). It's pretty awesome.
And while they were busy organizing their supplies in their desks, making new friends, and navigating the cafeteria, someone else was busy turning 9 months old. Every day is something new and a "first" for Harris.
He seems to learn a new skill, revel in it for about five minutes, and then move on to the next goal. He crawled for a day or two before he decided it would be fun to pull up on things. That got boring, so he broke his exersaucer and taught himself how to climb up the stairs. As you can imagine, I pretty much just follow him around all day when he is awake. We need to re-baby-proof a lot of areas after so many years of "freedom." He's now high-fiving and clapping like crazy, though he refuses to wave bye-bye. He thinks it's hilarious when we do that.
This year seems to be about balance so far. Natalie has three dance classes this year (ballet, jazz, and musical theatre) and Michaela Byrd has two (ballet and jazz). We spend three days a week at the dance studio, and they have Good News Club on Mondays after school. So far, they've been good about fitting in homework and reading time. Weekends are definitely low key for us!
Now that you see what's going on in my neck of the woods, perhaps you'll forgive the few and far between creative posts. I still have a bunch of crafts and homey projects completed and photographed. I just can't seem to find the time to sit and edit, write, edit again, and then try to promote posts. They'll be here...I'm just enjoying my life with three little ones instead of two!
How are you finding balance in your life this year?
If you enjoyed this post or found it helpful, I hope you'll click your "Pin It" button to add this post to Pinterest, or a +1 for Google+. And I always appreciate kind comments.He seems to learn a new skill, revel in it for about five minutes, and then move on to the next goal. He crawled for a day or two before he decided it would be fun to pull up on things. That got boring, so he broke his exersaucer and taught himself how to climb up the stairs. As you can imagine, I pretty much just follow him around all day when he is awake. We need to re-baby-proof a lot of areas after so many years of "freedom." He's now high-fiving and clapping like crazy, though he refuses to wave bye-bye. He thinks it's hilarious when we do that.
This year seems to be about balance so far. Natalie has three dance classes this year (ballet, jazz, and musical theatre) and Michaela Byrd has two (ballet and jazz). We spend three days a week at the dance studio, and they have Good News Club on Mondays after school. So far, they've been good about fitting in homework and reading time. Weekends are definitely low key for us!
Now that you see what's going on in my neck of the woods, perhaps you'll forgive the few and far between creative posts. I still have a bunch of crafts and homey projects completed and photographed. I just can't seem to find the time to sit and edit, write, edit again, and then try to promote posts. They'll be here...I'm just enjoying my life with three little ones instead of two!
How are you finding balance in your life this year?

I just love the updates on the kiddos, they are getting so big so fast! You are blessed with a sweet family, and I know you're treasuring it!
Amanda, these are the sweetest pictures!!