Friday, April 13, 2012

::Weekend Bloggy Reading:: Link Up!

Welcome to Weekend Bloggy Reading. I hope you'll link up your best post of the week today, and maybe leave me some comment love. Please be sure to read my guidelines before you add a link.

All kinds of posts are welcome--recipes, crafts, funny stories, home decor, etc.; but please do not link to Etsy shops, businesses, items for sale, etc. (I have a Sponsors section, if you'd like to Advertise with me.)

Here are a few of my faves from this week:

sources listed below

~Paper Flower Bouquet via Our Lake Life

~Ombre Staircase Balusters via Angie's Roost

~Billy Built-Ins via Just a Girl

~How to Strip Furniture via Perfectly Imperfect

~And Me? This week featured:

    Time to link up your best post of the week!

    • Please link back to me within your post. I will not feature your link if you don't link back to me.*
    • No items for sale, shops, etc. and please don't link up the same post week after week. 
    • Remember this party is for your best post of the week. Don't link up 10 posts...that's really not in the spirit of this party.
    • Visit some of the other links--that's how a good blog party works--participation!
    *A text link-back (ex- Linking to Serenity Now) is fantastic, but here's the button code if you'd prefer to use that rather than a text link-back:
    Weekend Bloggy Reading

    I reserve the right to delete links that do not adhere to party guidelines or that I deem offensive. Adding your link to this party means that I may Feature your post. 

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Party is open until 10 pm (ET) on Sunday night.

    What are you up to this weekend?

    We're doing some cleaning up this weekend, and I get to do the ever popular airport pick-up on Sunday evening for my mom. Living the dream, people...

    Did I Feature you today? Click here for a "featured" button for your blog post or sidebar.


    1. Thanks for the party Amanda! Your chocolate peanut butter pie looks delish!
      :) Samantha

    2. Thanks for hosting again this week, Amanda! I'm avoiding peanut butter while I'm nursing because nut allergies run in my family, so looking at that peanut butter pie is like torture. It looks delish!

    3. I love your blog party series- thank you so much!
      Thank you for hosting!
      Kerry at HouseTalkN

    4. Thanks for hosting! The paper flowers look real. I need to check out how to make those.

      I hope you have a great weekend.

    5. Thanks again for hosting this! Your chocolate peanut butter pie was made for me! (I'm like that old commercial for Reese's: "mmm... chocolate.... mmm... peanut butter... two great tastes in one!"

    6. Is it already Friday? Thanks for hosting again. Have a wonderful weekend!

    7. Thanks soo much for hosting, Amanada! I'll have to check out those built-ins. Hope you get some great weather this weekend! =)

      ~ Catie

    8. Hi, sugar!
      I love that bookcase with the blue background, too! Yum! And the balusters? WOWIE!
      I would have favorited them, too!
      I pray you and your family are well, and thank you so much for hosting this loverly party. I even brushed my hair for the occasion!

    9. Thanks for hosting Amanda! Have a great weekend, I'm going to get the house ready for tomorrow's party!

    10. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!

    11. Thanks for hosting, Amanda! I always look forward to seeing your posts each week. I'm particularly excited about working my way through your spring cleaning tips, because my house is looking pretty shameful right now. :D

    12. Thanks for hosting! Always great to join a party :-)

    13. Thank you for hosting, this will be my first time linking. Looking forward to reading other link this weekend. I am also linky folowing and GFC. Have a great weekend

    14. Thanks so much for hosting, Amanda. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. :)

    15. Thank you for hosting Amanda! I appreciate it! xoxo! ~ KIM @ Sand & Sisal

    16. Thanks so much for hosting again. Hope you have a fabulous weekend :)

    17. I love your link party! I love how we can link up stories too :) This was a hard decision because I had two this week I really loved. I went with the story from the farm but I also made some adorable Mr. & Mrs. Pillows you can see here:

      Have a great weekend!

    18. Thanks for the party! I've been enjoying reading through your great blogging tips.


    I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

    Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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